Nikki Haley bashes Donald Trump while regretting her own lost chance at presidency: "Quit whining!"

Originally published at: Nikki Haley bashes Donald Trump while regretting her own lost chance at presidency: "Quit whining!" - Boing Boing


Haley hasn’t yet learned that no-one in the MAGA party is interested in her opinion and that no-one in general is going to take the advice of an opportunistic coward.

I’m sure, in the back of her mind, she’s really really hoping that FF von Clownstick will drop out of the race for some reason and that she’ll instantly be annointed to lead the ticket. That’s not going to happen for so many reasons.


Typo? I’m guessing that’s something thay Haley would say, not Harris.


I don’t believe for a second that Trump would have stepped down if Haley, or any number of other Republicans, had called for him to do so.

Biden stepped down because he put the party and the nation before himself. There was no way that was ever going to happen with Trump.

Haley should have called for Trump to step down because it was the right thing to do, not because it would have made a difference.


I think it’s great for people on both sides to give their hot take of the Trump campaign. Even if it smells a little like Monday morning quarterback.

Highlighting rational opinions against what Trump is actually doing is exactly what voters need to see.

Every time Trump does something, some talk show or interviewer needs to find someone to pokes holes in it. Or even have a “both sides” discussions on the minutia of the Trump campaign. I believe this can lead to voters themselves beginning to think very carefully about what they’ve seen and heard in the last few months.

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Bothsideism doesn’t work when members of one side (including Haley) are actively rooting for fascism. If a Republican criticises Biff, it’s not because they disagree with what he’s saying but because they think how he’s saying it (or that he’s saying the quiet part out loud) hurts their party’s chance at taking power.

The Beltway media loves this inside-baseball power-politics stuff, but in the end it’s a distraction from the fact that the party as a whole – again, including Haley – intends to implement Project 2025 if it wins.


which would not be tolerated by a fascist regime.


I’m not particularly worried about Haley getting popular enough to become President.

I am fine with the GOP splitting on its support of Trump. Or at least being inconsistent with its support.

That’s always a big part of politics. The strategic waxing and waning of support based on how it helps the bigger picture.

Installation of neoconservatives back in the 1980’s, such as Sen. Mitch McConnell are a better example of the real power plan behind the GOP. Getting conservative justices installed in federal courts over the last 3 decades pushes their agenda far further than an 8 year run of G.W. Bush or 4 year run of Trump ever could. And that’s the real threat from fascist, the ones with an actual strategy that are more about their ideological goals than about forming a cult of personality around themselves.

Oh absolutely people love this stuff. But I’m also for picking apart Trump’s campaign in the most public way possible. And it needs to be done by people who the right leaning and independents will actually listen to.

Frankly, most pundits on the left have already been written off by a significant number of right leaning and swing voters. As the propaganda against “mainstream media” has been too successful. We don’t have much of a voice anymore, so it almost doesn’t matter that we’re right about our criticisms and alarm.

In the end, we end up with the leadership the majority of us deserve. If we can’t convince at least half of us the pump the brakes on fascism. Then we’re really screwed as a nation and as a people.


It can be tolerated, but only to support a sham of democracy. Putin’s Russia is again the textbook example, where media talking heads happily babble on about which party has a chance of taking power before the rigged election takes place.


Nor am I. The problem is that she’s supporting and enabling fascism. Even here, where she’s slavishly urging her Leader to be more mindful of how he presents himself.

It’s the only part of politics for fascists.

The strategy was always there. They just finally found what they needed in a talented life-long grifter to lift their boats along with his on a tide of fascism.

That’s already being done by The Lincoln Project and similar neoCon orgs in other venues (advertising and social media). That doesn’t oblige media outlets to give them equal time to espouse a view which boils down to “the far right of the party is endangering our nice little trickle-down racket.”

Unless a media outlet is willing to ask a guest tough follow-up questions on their own motives and ideals (and most corporate ones are not willing), they should not be giving them a platform.


Whining isn’t something he does, it’s who he is.


What else does he have, Haley? Certainly not policy. That scorpion can only sting; it can’t swim.


“But the campaign is not going to win talking about crowd sizes. It’s not going to win talking about what race Kamala Harris is. It’s not going to win talking about whether she is dumb. You can’t win on those things.”

Fixed that for her (I hope).


You might have as well struck out everything, except the “You can’t win” part. (Hopefully!)


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