Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer on SNL

This is the first thing I’d heard about her reacting to the Magdalene Laundries. Without context, it’s hard to tell what her point was. At the time, I assumed it had something to do with women in the priesthood and the Pope’s recent comments on birth control.

Sinead O’Connor called him evil.

When I saw it, I was more curious than anything else. I wouldn’t say I was the least bit shocked or scandalized, just not sure what she had against the Pope.

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Absolutely true… other than that it was about child abuse. That much was pretty clear from the changes she made to the song. Also, you can check out at least 2 films I know of about the laundries - one called the Magdalene Laundries, I think and the more recent one Philomena, about a British journalist who goes with an Irish woman to find the son she had been forced to adopt out to a rich American couple in the 1960s - I’ve only seen the latter, but it was a great, sweet, heart breaking film.

I think it was the cover ups that happened under him, as much as anything else. Evil might not be what you’d call it, but there are plenty of people who were victimized and then hushed up by the church during his tenure as pope who might have agreed with her. I suspect that lots of people left the church over these failures. I think even in Ireland that church attendance is way down.


I have a hard time with song lyrics. I probably missed the reference.

I have never seen Philomena, but I think I need to see it now.


She changed the lyrics to Marley’s War (which itself was taken from a Hallie Selassie speech to the UN in the 1960s about racism).

It’s a great movie and it stars Judi Dench and Steve Coogan! What’s not to love!


Reprint of WP story. The “National” Post is well right of center in Canada.


You know, if Spicer gets fired because SNL chose a woman to portray him, all I can say is that sometimes you get the right result for the wrong reasons. Well, I guess that and, “Please Melissa McCarthy, come back and do Steve Bannon!”


No… Rosie O’Donnell for Bannon!


Huh. What would Trump do about a woman portraying him? (Besides Tweet sturm und drang.)

Rosie O’Donnell said she’d play Bannon if asked, but I think she should play Trump.



You can send thanks, or lay the blame, for the watershed towards the very persistent mary whitehouse who for years campaigned on this. What she would’ve thought of tv now i shudder to think. The squeamishness of swearing, sex and nipple-slips over there is a bit baffling to us when it seems horrific violence is just peachy a-ok.


[quote=“Mindysan33, post:44, topic:94434”]It’s a great movie and it stars Judi Dench and Steve Coogan! What’s not to love!

I agree. Just prepare for it to destroy you, it is so desperately sad.


I think it’s hard for people in the U.S. to understand what life was like for Catholic girls in Ireland in the 1960s/70s/80s. (Obviously earlier too, but I’m thinking about Sinead specifically.) There was plenty of reason to be against the head of the Catholic church if you grew up there.


I think you guys have hit on an amazing way to achieve what we are all dreaming of now: the resignation of everyone in the White House. What women can play every single Republican senator?


How could I not have commented on this yet? I think I woke up my… let’s face it, I definitely woke up and pissed off a couple of my neighbours uncontrolledly whooping at this way too early in the morning.


I think Meryl Streep could play every single Republican senator, I can’t think of any others.

(This joke brought to you by the ambiguity of the English language)


“I can think of others. For instance, take my wife. Please!”
(the reply from just about every male stand-up comedian ever)


Yes! In whiteface.


Maybe so. I’m hoping they’re that principled and brave. Seems to me that a test of whether they are wil be whether they take up Rosie’s offer to play Bannon. fingers crossed so hard