Originally published at: Mice genetically engineered to grow tiny deer antlers | Boing Boing
Couldn’t they just have tried staples?
(Disclaimer- this post is not advocating stapling anything to mice. if that was not immediately apparent then it is now. This disclaimer is entirely original and any resemblance to other disclaimers living or dead is purely coincidental. Offer void where prohibited)
dammit. Beat me to it.
Me three.
Yup, came to post the same thing
If nothing else there’s almost certainly a subset of the body-mod crowd who would like to have the ability to grow their own antlers instead of having to settle for those little subdermal nubby-horn implants.
Why do I suspect that instead of practical biomedical research we have a billionaire (Chinese or not) who has an antler fetish and wants their lovers to have horns, or wants antlers themselves. It’s been that sort of news cycle for a long, long time now.
All that trouble just because someone wanted to be able to make a joke about deer mice?
(ETA a missing “to”)
I was hoping for some pictures at least 137% more heartwarming than those actually provided.
Chimerically horned rabbits were native to the drinking establishments of my youth.
Maybe those photos should have a trigger warning. They make the procedure look incredibly cruel.
Yikes, that’s… disturbing. But, hey. That’s progress, baby!
Yah, it looks painful and I’m not sure how useful that’s going to be… unless they figure out a way to make it look cute. Then they’ll be all the rage at Xmas. (I am, of course, being facetious. It’s awful.)
I can imagine the sound of tiny little clacks during mating season.
Well, that just looks awful…
I do love me some science, but this feels icky.
I am sure there is a very good reason for this to be happening, but do the ends justify these particular means?
… except the F&S article does not contain the word “genetic,” or describe any gene editing
On the contrary, this all sounds more like your basic Island of Doctor Moreau surgery
A tweet to read while enjoying your Soylent Green.