Michael Cohen secretly taped Donald Trump talking about paying off Playboy model Karen McDougal over sex claims


Even the people who have to meet with him because he’s the POTUS and it’s supposed to be “an honor” like military widows and sports stars; They’d be wise to record every second that they are in that dickhead’s presence… because he tries to create his own version of ‘reality’ with every breath he takes.


Of course the third possibility is that Trump gets nothing but a ratings boost from his fucking man-child base every time they hear about Dear Leader banging a cheerleader porn star.


There’s got to be many more tapes. If a lawyer is lawyerly enough to cover himself with tapes…


Then it needs to framed as he’s such a loser that needed to spend $150,000 to get laid.


Yes! But I’d think only if Putin wasn’t there also and being recorded during the peeing!



The idea that because Giuliani, another Trump “lawyer”, already discussed the tapes with the NYT they are now no longer privileged is kind of funny. Maybe this is part of some ploy, but knowing how Giuliani never gets the story straight, just as likely not.

Conservatives love claiming Obama didn’t deserve to get into Harvard Law, and want to see his grades to prove he’s a mental midget, but Trump’s lawyers are like some kind of vaudeville act where a drunken clown is trying to juggle flaming turds and hold his pants up at the same time.


it’s a waste of time to go down the “trump is a total perv” road

it’s been proven repeatedly both sides don’t care in the end, I mean he was elected right after that disgusting conversation from the bus

in fact the more that emerges, it just normalizes “perv candidates” for the next time around

meanwhile they need to get state charges against Cohen so Trump can’t pardon him

and if trump is somehow impeached, which seems extremely unlikely since it has to be done by congress regardless of how strong the evidence becomes, we need to also get state charges on him so Pence doesn’t pull a Ford


I guess the conservatives never saw this. Perfectly calm. Professional. Beyond well-informed. Brilliant. Concise. Logical. My hero… just like Spock, if Spock happened to be black… and had a sense of humor:


You know, I find myself wondering why he didn’t just hire some very expensive hookers. Would have been much much cheaper, and their silence is (usually) part of the tab.


Agreed, but part of me despairs that we’re already inured to the October surprise.

The constant drip of tawdry, batshit crazy, and outright treason has got us so used to ⊥rump’s shennanigans that everyone whose opinion could possibly be swayed already has their mind made up. An October surprise (like the FBI director opening a new email investigation…) used to be able to change minds. After two years of dumpster fire, I think we’re all numb.

When ⊥rump bragged that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any votes, we thought it was hyperbole.

Oh, for those innocent days again :sob:


Another occasion to quote this article:

With evident fatigue, the baker reported, “One had no time to think. There was so much going on.” His account was similar to that of one of Mayer’s colleagues, a German philologist in the country at the time, who emphasized the devastatingly incremental nature of the descent into tyranny and said that “we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us.” The philologist pointed to a regime bent on diverting its people through endless dramas (often involving real or imagined enemies), and “the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise.” In his account, “each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’” that people could no more see it “developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.


Well this is going to make me smile all weekend and I just got a restock of popcorn last supply trip to the grocery store.


I miss those days, also. I have a strong feeling though that those ‘innocent days’ were actually days we were spared putrid bile and hate that always existed, but lay hidden just under the surface. (Trump obviously using Goebbels’s playbook.)


trump would actually spin that as being proud of it

I’m not typically petty like this but I really hope Melania leaves him at some point soon to give him even the smallest wake-up call - but that prenup has got to be bonkers, I mean there is no explaining otherwise

the russian blackmail it has to be financial, remember how (more) insane he gets anytime someone challenges how wealthy he actually is

he’s gone through several cycles of being desperate for liquid assets to pay off loans for projects and probably did something really, really stupid - and then there is that time he suddenly bought that golf course for $400 million CASH which has to have proof show up at some time as dirty money


It’s the difference between, “I have sex with hookers” and, “I have sex with Playboy models.” It’s about image, I expect. Plus this payment is hush money, not specifically for the sex to happen.

ETA my belief is that prostitution should be decriminalized, and if someone chooses to pay for sex it’s their business.

I’m saying that Trump being Trump, image is everything.


Why would the Russians limit their leverage to one kind?


Hmm…I wonder what’s happening with the executive branch today. *Looks out window*:

Jeez, still? Why hasn’t anyone put that out yet?


I used to complain that Obama’s on-and-on talking would bore me. Good times!


Charlie Sheen, unlikely voice of reason, made a point about why famous people like him pay for sex: “I don’t pay because I know hookers will have sex with me, I pay them because I know they’ll leave afterward.” It’s about control, not surprisingly, but in a way that’s a bit more nuanced that I’d previously much thought about it.


Perv is also the wrong thing to point out, but what his cowardice, his inability to tell the truth about anything, his lack of respect for any laws, and how he isn’t even any good at anything but bluster.