Originally published at: Middle school lunch lady hosted student sleepovers with booze and porn | Boing Boing
“Cancel culture!”
Meh - could have been worse.
She might have had them watching violent movies.
And she would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling…oh.
Seriously though, what did she think was going to happen?
‘Tator tots, sleepovers, booze and porn.’ A new album by The Cafeteria Ladies.
My school was boring.
I had a thing for the Lunch Lady[s] in grade school, not sexy thing, she just fed me so I loved her.
I dunno man, I too wanted to party with Sloppy Joe, a-Slop Sloppy Joe.
My fondest lunch lady memory…
Philip (to lunch lady): Look at these mashed potatoes. They’ve gotten completely hard. You can pick them up like a roll and they keep their shape! (demonstrates such)
Lunch Lady: Don’t you shake your mashed potatoes at me, young man!
And I thought the lunch lady who gave me three boxes of occult literature was pretty punk rock
This Yahoo News article and other articles are strangely worded. The boys were age 13-16. They were invited over to her house and plied with booze. And “sexual encounters” occurred. The articles are very cagy about who participated in the “encounters”. It wouldn’t surprise me if the woman was involved which would make it rape. Either way, it was definitely abuse.
Sorry to be a downer but I’m a bit surprised by how facetiously people are treating the subject. Would people’s reactions be the same if the story was about a male gym teacher and 13-year-old girls?
“Hello, children!”
“Hey, Chef.”
the school is 5th through 8th grade. The school’s students would be mostly 10-14 years old.
16 in 8th grade would be really old
Well said. My apologies. Humour is just one of the
but was the food any good?
With a relative stranger three times their age who arguably is in a position of power over them?
I was thinking of the encounters being between the teens, not the host and the teen(s) - eew.
Even if I was that age, I would seriously question the motives of any adult willing to turn their house into a teenage fuck pad