Yeah, he’s not only wrong in the sense of “it’s not true”, but wrong in the sense of “it’s the opposite of true”. Believing in a rewards after death, no matter the religion, encourages violence. “After all,” thinks the person, “I am doing what God wants me to do, and will reward me for it!” Works for the Taliban as well as it does for the white supremacist.
Thing is, bashing gay folks is in no way a core tenet of Christianity, and the people who say otherwise are doing it wrong.
Do you think that gay Christians say that? Like… 90% of the churches in Atlanta regularly put out welcoming messages to the gay community, have gay members, regularly have the gay men’s choir perform, and most certainly do not support excluding gays from their community. Why should we assume that they are just like Huckabee.
I realize that many religious institutions are quite welcoming of LGBT individuals. But…
So, you’re rejecting working with religious institutions that are welcoming of the gay community because some aren’t?
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