Maybe his years of substance abuse bamaged his drain.
abstance subuse, surely.
Tom Servo: Oooh, there’s Miles O’Keefe in this movie!
Crow T Robot: That’s a lot of Keefe.
You can imagine the reaction of the channel’s lawyers.
Absolutely right. It’s more akin to an anal log.
on brand.
Booger bros forever
Do pillows give off fumes that make you stupid? Or maybe it’s feathers: could he somehow have inhaled so many tiny little bits of feathers that they got into his bloodstream and injured his brain?
It may sound like I’m clutching at straws here, but there has to be some extraordinary factor, something that could explain Lindell’s level of idiocy. Because it’s too extreme to be a natural phenomenon.
Please tell me a lawsuit will come from this. Calling a specific person a murderer on TV, with no evidence, seems like the dictionary definition of slander to me, if not the legal definition.
“I didn’t mean “murder” murder. She disagreed with me! She tried to say the election wasn’t stolen!! That’s worse than murder! So I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. Besides that, she’s a woman! How dare she disagree with me?!”
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