Originally published at: Mike Lindell accused a politician of murder, much to the shock of his host | Boing Boing
Obliges Python because Lindell is beyond silly
Customer: understand this IS Bolton.
Owner: (still with the fake mustache) Yes?
C: You told me it was Ipswitch!
O: …It was a pun.
C: (pause) A PUN?!?
O: No, no…not a pun…What’s that thing that spells the same backwards as forwards?
C: (Long pause) A palindrome…?
O: Yeah, that’s it!
C: It’s not a palindrome! The palindrome of “Bolton” would be “Notlob”!! It don’t work!!
O: Well, what do you want?
C: I’m not prepared to pursue my line of inquiry any longer as I think this is getting too silly!
Ok, so let’s assume projection here…
Mike Lindell is an odious piece of shit; and that isn’t an analogy.
That’s a lot of prison.
Oh, now I get it.
Read an article about how much leaded gasoline has reduced the IQ of Americans. I’m guessing the current qnonsense/nutjobs account for those with the most reduction.
“Not a murder murder… like an internet murder.”
It’s amazing that nutjob conspiracy theorists throw around accusations that are close-but-no-cigar all the time… he could point at any politician who voted for the Iraq invasion and legitimately call them a murderer in that context. He could highlight any politician’s role in the drug war and show the numbers that amount to mass murder. They could even point out the really fun story of the US Anthrax attacks. Instead they talk about basement-of-the-alamo bullshit.
Drug user to entrepreneur to cell mate, allegedly.
I wonder to what degree the “stop the steal” grifters identified Lindell as a credulous patsy. They know there was no election fraud, and they know Lindell is easily suggestible and that he one hundred percent honestly believes everything he’s told about election fraud. It almost—almost—makes you feel sorry for the guy. He doesn’t seem to know he’s a pawn in the bigger scheme of using made-up voter fraud claims to drive campaign donations.
I seriously wonder if he has relapsed into his previous acknowledged drug abuse.
Mike is a true 'booger eater", the evidence is undeniable.
I’ve never seen any boogers around him; so I think that is all the evidence we need. #whoateallthe boogers
Mike is a booger eater beyond all booger eaters. One of the most booger-eating people this country has ever seen.
He must have chugged the stuff.
Could he also be a piece of shit murderer? The anagram of Mike Lindell is Killed Limen. Employing his system of logic, that means he definitely murdered someone named Limen. Hey… If anyone is missing someone named Limen — then Lindell is your man!
Not to be pooh-poohed is the prodding-power of pee-tapes (and other insidious inducers of that ilk.)