Originally published at: Mike Lindell says he is suing Speaker Kevin McCarthy for giving Fox the J6 footage (and not him) | Boing Boing
I mean, Keven McCarthy should be sued for giving Fox the J6 footage. That was a cowardly cave-in and a real dereliction of his constitutional oath that undermined legal cases that are in process.
“It [J6 footage] needs to go to everybody so we can all look at it together!”
“…and mark it up with lots of red arrows and circles to prove it was all a false flag operation by antifa and the (((librul elites)))!”
You just know Tucker’s combing through the footage looking for a black guy.
Marge posted a zoomed in video with a red circle around a guys blurry ear. She claims it’s an ear piece which proves it was the FBI coordinating things.
I can only imagine what they will doctor up.
How many more years of this shitshow?
If I had to guess, the number of years remaining for the American experiment.
Well yeah, we should all sue Kevin McCarthy’s ass for that. Give it a good swift kick while we’re at it too. Traitorous rotter.
LOL, all the right wing trollies have been crowing how “the liberals are freaking out” over McCarthy giving these to a hack like Tucker because a “they” which is ill-defined (but may include some combination of Democrats, the J6 committee, the MSM, Biden, the Deep State, Antifa, BLM, the people that operate the space lasers, the Discordian Society, who the hell knows) have something to hide, yadda yadda. When the real reason liberals are taking issue with it is that you just know Tucker will give it the Bill Barr/ Matt Taibbi treatment.
Turns out one of the people actually freaking out was Mike Pillow.
What else did he promise to get his job? And when does it become bribery when a public official gets a promotion and pay raise based upon giving private companies valuable government assets?
I totally agree with this quote as it stands. Can’t disagree, nope, no siree Bob.
I just don’t have any solid reference point or data to pars what a ‘Mike Lindell’ is. From photos and video this seems to look like a human but when you turn the sound up it surely must be a caricature or cartoon character. Yosemite Sam would seem to be a good comparison but that would be throwing shade on a lovable fictional icon.
Cartoon characters have a different way of looking at things, what with their eyes popping out of their heads, rolling fully around like marbles, and going cross- and wall-eyed when great emotion siezes them.
OK, good! So it’s a cartoon.
I’m losing the will to live trying to imagine what a Kevin McCarthy is so I might just shut down all my devices and step outside and look at the stars on this crystal clear night.
You forgot the paragraph of text accompanying each of the scenes explaining what each one was.
I’ll get my coat- it’s the one with the logo from Alice’s Restaurant on the back.
Rotter? Not strong enough. The man is an obvious cad - and a bounder, to boot.
Indeed. And if bullshit were music, he’d be a brass band.
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