Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/02/mike-mullen-former-joint-chie.html
Yeah well, talk is cheap these days.
As long as “republican” senators and congress critters remain silent this county is doomed.
They all could remove trump this pm if they wanted to.
Il Douche’s response: didn’t he take an oath to support and defend me?
I’d argue the Bunker Boy thing is unfair.
Still, FDT.
i keep wondering if maybe this time donnie has finally gone too far. this sort of piece makes me wonder if we’ve finally reached that point. but then all the congresspeople continue to sit on their hands and say nothing, and all in can do is wearily sigh.
What, exactly, was the “good” going on here?
Oh, sorry, Bunker MAN.
Better late to the party than never to have arrived at all.
If Mike Mullen is prepared to do more than just write one opinion piece to distance himself from ⊥rump & Chumps™ then I welcome whatever help he can bring to the Resistance.
If writing this is all he’s going to do, he can fuck right off.
Another way to avoid remaining silent is to never be silent in the first place.
And then the groundhog, having said his peace, returned to his slumber through six more months of winter.
We have examples of what real presidents who are good leaders do when there’s civil unrest.
Trump is uniquely a coward and deserves every ounce of derision he gets, and more.
Also: Why the everloving FUCK would you want to be fair to tRump of all people? It’s not like he’s a gracious winner OR loser. He truly has earned every dirty trick deployed against him.
Sure, but unfair to who, though? Children? Other cowards in bunkers? Both, I’d say.
Even Nixon had the guts to go and talk to protestors, personally. No other president hid in a bunker with the lights of the White House turned off because a peaceful protest took place nearby.
When has he allied himself with them? Sincerely asking in case he did and I missed it, but AFAIK he retired in 2011 after serving as CJCS under President Obama.
As we’ve seen with Cadet Bone Spurs’ military appointments, the generals and admirals who get involved in politics tend to be least honorable sleazeball careerists. A reluctance to weigh in on politics isn’t automatically a bad thing in military leadership, but it is a double-edged sword and I can understand why it might take extraordinary circumstances for those who actually care about civilian rule to take that step, unlike the nihilists with whom Hair Führer surrounds himself.
Tone policing is always stupid, but trying to argue that anything bad said about Dolt 45 might be unfair is particularly egregious. I have no problem with anything said about him, because he’s earned everything he gets.
I agree with every word he wrote, but it’s impossible to be uncritical. he says he worries about using our military for political purposes. ok, mr career navy man, what about using them to go to war at the behest of the military contractors and the oil industry? it’s been the only reason for American warfare my entire life. that never bothered you, using the military for corporate gain, but you draw the line at doing so for political purposes. like, thanks, I guess.
“Bunker B***h” was trending early on but I like “Bunker Boy” better because it’s both infantilizing and non-misogynist.
I’m fine with it, but Bunker Baby is more accurate.