Mike Pence doesn't believe in the separation of Church and State

Especially as we know that authoritarian types operate from a place of fear.

How did he forget that fear? What is more powerful than that, to bring him back in line so quickly?


I assume in his case it is the fear that his entire life has been for nothing if he doesn’t bow and scrape before the people who tried to murder him. In reality of course his fear should be they did it once they’ll do it again. They are probably trying to do it right now!


I keep wondering if privilege can override a sense of self-preservation. Is it partly denial that they weren’t really going to do it even if they managed to capture him, and another part that they wouldn’t dare to try it again? :thinking: Maybe that same mindset explains why those GOP grifters and their allies who commit crimes hang around waiting to be arrested instead of using their ill-gotten gains to relocate to a non-extradition country. :woman_shrugging:t4:


I’m imagining it as kind of like a heavy smoker nearly dying in the hospital. Clearly that’s a wake up call and they should quit. But…they’ve always smoked. They don’t even know what to do with their hands without it. And all their friends are still smoking, so even if they know it will kill them, it’s so easy to fall back into it.

Just replace a tragic chemical addiction with pathetic sycophantic leeching.


Or perhaps Pence thinks that loyalty is the only way to protect himself. Xi Jinping was persecuted during the Cultural Revolution, and yet he turned into an obedient servant of the Party.

“The lesson that Xi had learned was that by being a good and obedient communist, you could survive and even thrive, even if that meant forgetting the party’s treatment of his father,” said Prof Michel Bonnin, an expert on the Cultural Revolution at the Paris-based École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. “It was better to be a good child of Chairman Mao than a rebel.”


“Buddhism then.”
“No, that’s a belief system, not really a true religion.”
“NO! That’s a wrong belief and not a religion.”
“NO! There’s no central god!”

Sounds a bit like the Cheese Shop sketch by Monty Python.


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