Mike Pence flails as NBC questions him on strong-arming Ukraine



Or give him a few Shirley Temples and watch him just spill all the beans in one long breathless confession.


There’s a lot of insane stories and crazy characters in this administration, one I’m really looking forward to watching/reading Pence’s Faustian struggle. His boss is essentially the Seven Deadly Sins made flesh. Does he pray for his boss to succeed? But if he prays for Trump’s success, is he wishing for a lying, name-of-the -lord-in-vain taking, neighbor’s wife/daughter/ass coveting, Sunday-golfing, murderous (or murderous adjacent), adulterous heathen to be in power? If he prays for him to fail is it hubris? And if he prays for Trump to fail, when the devil falls, will he drag Pence to hell with him?


“Mother, bring me my oil…”

This guy knew what he was getting into and he deserves all the fallout.


Of course. And one of his major qualifications was that he was shorter than Trump. Can’t have it the other way around. Nope!


The modern Evangelical movement, between Prosperity Gospel and The Family/National Prayer Breakfast douches, have fully accepted the idea that success and power are proof of God’s approval and that success, power and money only come to the extent that one is Godly.

In this mind set Trump can not be sinful, the things he’s done can not be wrong. Because he is wealthy and powerful. The wealth and power are themselves proof that he’s done these thing with the approval of God, or explicitly to effect God’s will. The roll of a moral Christian is to serve the rich and powerful. And to defend them from criticism or the judgements of non-believers.

And yes that is the least Christian thing you’ve ever heard.

But Pence isn’t sweating this shit on religious grounds. This stuff likely isn’t wrong from his perspective. Either helping Trump or using it to shove himself to the top is just what Jesus planned.


I know he’s completely the worst sort of greedy christian. But in my imagined story, I’d still want Jesus to show up and give him shit.


Pence is flailing because 45 intentionally involved him in the Ukraine quid pro quo. He’s the massively unfit, small-handed, posuer dictator’s insurance policy. Every republican in Washington knows that if the President AND the Vice President are impeached that the speaker of the house is third in command. A Pelosi presidency apparently scares them more than the legacy of supporting a demagogue’s kakistocracy.


Using the phrasing “the American people X”-

It is a self-serving scummy as shit way of speaking and defending your arguments. Even if I happen to agree with the argument that they use if they use this it is wrong, scummy and disingenuous.

Stop using me and everyone else as your sock puppets as if we were defending your arguments, Pence. Stop dodging real questions by speaking about something else completely unconnected in broad generalities. It immediately signals you are full of shit to anyone with a brain.

In otherwords, anyone who ISNT someone who voted for you


And maybe some ERs too.


Posted over on that feed, but I thought it too appropriate for this set of drumph idiots that I must post it here too:


Charles Durning is my standard illustration of “light on your feet”. I love that sequence.


Yeah, according to Jeff Sharlet’s recent book (now a TV series) on The Family, the evangelical position is that G-d can choose a “flawed vessel” & it doesn’t matter what sins are committed while doing the will of a supernatural being.


Well that’s the family’s specific position. And they are Evangelicals, but that isn’t universal. They’re just incredibly influential.

The other end of it is Prosperity Gospel.

Which seems to have come out of Televangelism. And has become the dominant strain among mega churches and “non denominational” Evangelicalism. Basically the idea is that God rewards good Christians with material wealth and influence in the here and now, rather than in the afterlife/rapture. And this whole scammy thing where by tithing, especially in the form of buying prayers and special services/masses, will return that money “100 fold”. So the best way to get rich is to please sending me money.

But the theological hoops required to justify this land in the same spot. If some one is rich and powerful they must be holy and righteous. Conspicuous consumption and ostentatious wealth are outward symbols of God’s blessings, and proof that it works. So challenging, criticising, or judging those in charge us sinful and will prevent you from getting rich.

The confluence of the two has basically taken over almost the whole Evangelical movement. That’s why that preacher with the Lamborghini was only criticized from outside, and why he made such a big deal about the Lamborghini. He needs the Lamborghini to demonstrate his authority to his flock, and they see nothing odd or hypocritical on his having a fucking Lamborghini.

Its also the one major short comings of The Righteous Gemstones, they get so much right about these sorts of churches, but they don’t seem to have much awareness of this newer theological take.


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