Militant commander accidentally blows up dozens of trainee suicide bombers

I just discovered Archer recently (I’m currently up to season 4), and it gave me so many happies to see somebody else notice this too.

ISIS? They’re called ISIS?

And they accidentally blow things up comedically?

And they’re NOT an Archer promo?



The Stanford prison experiment, although perhaps equally dodgy for other reasons, correlates strongly.

Besides, how else does one explain Hitler’s Germany?

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When doing fire evacuation training for a company in the business of military engineering I learned that the fire escape route at our companies explosives factory was straight down into bomb and fire proof bunkers.

One of my favourite episodes, hands down.

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Not really. You could just research it before spewing out that right-wing drivel? It is not in the Koran.

If I am wrong, then I will happily admit that, but how on earth is that right-wing (whether drivel or not)? What do you think I meant by that?

ETA: Ok, I think I’ll just explain. That was supposed to be an example of Christian folksy bullshit that is certainly traditional in a way, but that essentially nobody actually, literally believes. If you maintain that it actually is a commonly held legitimate Muslim belief, then I am willing to be convinced, but what I said doesn’t strike me as typical right-wing drivel.

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