Minuteman white militia co-founder gets 19½ years for sexually abusing 5-Year-Old

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/07/12/minuteman-white-militia-co-fou.html



After reading articles like this, I’m usually gripped by the overwhelming impulse to let them have their border fence, only with the addendum of making it a closed circle and locking them all inside, and declaring it to be a sovereign region in which outsider laws do not apply.

The point that keeps me from advocating for such would be the inevitable predation and atrocities carried out against those trapped on the inside with them out of bad luck or being associated with them, or just not knowing any better.


Maybe Mexico should start thinking seriously about paying for that wall…

This is just…more sickening…evidence that one side of the American cultural divide is rotting away at the roots. Yeah, I know such horrific stuff is not a left/right thing, but we sure seem to be seeing far too much of it from the Faux-Patriot bunch.


Minuteman & Simcox

Add this to the list of heinous crimes they have committed in the name of Murican Freedumb. Goodbye and good riddance to him.


Good luck serving the full sentence…


And I always thought those Minutemen were so well-adjusted!


Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

Ok, so not the band then…



I’m so glad that Donald Trump is going to BUILD THAT WALL and keep all the RAPISTS out.


I suppose I can gloat about how someone I disagree with politically turned out to be a complete bastard-asshole-creep (officially, as decided by a court of law), but when I read stuff like this I just realize how little I really understand about humanity.

Sometimes I feel like even just being alive as a human being I am party to all kinds of evil that men do.


I know, I might want to vacation in Mexico. God bless him.


How sad. What’s up with these people? Glad they got him.

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May his death be painful and take years.

Too kind.

May he live a long and healthy life, one spent with every moment lived in the complete knowledge and understanding of his all his crimes, not just the ones he’s been convicted of, and the full effect they’ve had on his victims.

May he spend that long and healthy life working towards some form of redress for the victims and everyone affected by his actions.

And may he live every day of that long and healthy life in the hope that one day he’ll have atoned and be able to forgive himself for his actions, if only he just works a little bit harder tomorrow.

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Predation? Atrocities? What ever would give you that idea?


[quote=“some_guy, post:11, topic:81358, full:true”]
I suppose I can gloat about how someone I disagree with politically turned out to be a complete bastard-asshole-creep (officially, as decided by a court of law), but when I read stuff like this I just realize how little I really understand about humanity.[/quote]

On the one hand, yes.

On the other hand it’s much easier to understand when someone you thought was merely an asshole turns out to be a monster.


Good riddance. Also i hope he knows that a lot of groups in jail will specifically target child molesters, so have fun with that.

I was going to make a joke about him “protecting” us, but I’m just too disgusted at the whole thing,.

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They also target conscientious objectors and GLBT folk.

May he have a long and tedious life in prison. Death is too good for this fucker.