Mississippi makes it a jailable offense to call plant-based or cultured-meat patties "burgers"

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Nobody wants to eat anything “artificial” and I’m sure the meat-substitute industry would fight that hard. These companies want it both ways; they want to market themselves as healthy alternatives to meat using the same language those products use, but they don’t want to admit that they are highly processed (not “all natural”) and that in many cases they use genetically modified ingredients.

But yeah, artificial would be he best term for these products.

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As someone who eats a fair share of veggie burgers, I guess I’ll have to miss out on visiting Mississippi. Except for the minor detail that I had no plans to visit in the first place

IIRC there was a reason some financial institutions called themselves “bancs.” I (personally)* haven’t seen it used in a while, and figured that those “bancs” what survived the S&L scandal and/or the 2008 recession are (more) free to do whatever, however they like (for example spelling “banks” with a “k”). *(But I am not a banker)

Fish sticks

In Germany, McDonald’s sold “Happy McShakes” as opposed to milkshakes.

The stuff from Trader Joe’s is great (esp. with some diced onion cooked with it), in fact I just polished off 2 tacos for brunch.

A Spreadables melt?


Wow… I’ll be sure to hold my breath and die then… I deserve it, after all, daring to live in the south. What a waste of air I am, sucking it up from all those clearly superior, never, ever racist or ignorant northerners and west coast folks… /s


The meat industry is scared


Yeah… I’m lightyears away from “southern pride” but honestly I feel like it’s a perpetual rock and hard place being a modestly educated southern liberal. Unlike outsiders I actually see what is happening to people around me and realize that more than anything these states need to be seen as having value or else the entrenched oppression is only going to get worse for those who are legitimately stuck there or just don’t want to leave actual homes and be driven out forever.



We can easily point to all kinds of thing that the south gave the rest of America that we all highly value, food, musics, literature… Nor is the rest of America some kind of paradise if you’re a racial minority. This sort of ignorance exists all across the country, not just in the south. Corporate control of the economy is not a unique southern problem, either. Do people really think that the meat industry doesn’t have a great amount of power outside of the south?

But it’s just easier to insult an entire region that look at one’s own state/region, and deal with the problems there. It also makes people feel superior, too.


" “This bill will protect our cattle farmers from having to compete with products not harvested from an animal.”

Isn’t competition the POINT of capitalism


Actually it is, since the real point of capitalism is to make rich people even richer.


As someone from Canada who sees this issue with compliant labeling on foreign packaging: the answer is stickers.


And most meat isn’t?


If you’re talking about meat from a grocery store, no I wouldn’t call that highly processed.


I’ve heard that the average burger can have in it the flesh of as many as 3000 cows.

As for unnatural ingredients, don’t look to closely at all the growth hormones, pesticides, herbicides and antibiotics, if you’re hoping to keep your appetite.


Good points. I should have said not necessarily.

Nope. The point of capitalism is to give everything to an ever smaller group of sociopaths


Is there a lot more butter around than we all thought there was?


So Mississippi would be totally OK with calling them “burgers” if they were made from with meat from aborted fetuses then. What? No? OK, nevermind then. my bad.


The :poop: that goes into meat, literally! Feces is a regular component of burgers made from animals! It will gladly take the burger with no rectums, blood or lips involved.


Yep! I did intend that double meaning. :face_vomiting:

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