Mississippi Republican calls for killings of trans people and supporters

Yep. No need for him to pull a gun. If he turns and advances in a threatening manner, or reaches a hand toward a hip, or otherwise makes you feel that your life is in danger, then it’s justified.
That’s the New American Way: Testing the limits of “an armed society is a polite society.”


If Republicans actually felt this way about people who groom and sexually exploit children then people like Roy Moore and Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan and Josh Duggar would have been lynched by the American right instead of exalted by them.


Because we all know these people are all talk – right up until they start hurting people, and then we can be all how come we didn’t see this coming?


Moderates in 1932 Germany: Well, these nazis are just looking to get headlines… if we all just ignored them, they’d just go away…"

Star Trek Reaction GIF


But several reliable, well-informed sources

From the New York Times in 1922.


What? The NYT was soft on Hitler?!? NOOOOOO!!! /s

Cbs Reaction GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


Has the New York Times ever met a Nazi they didn’t like, or, at the very least, come to terms with?

Edited to correct a dictation error that indicated “l” never met a Nazi I didn’t like. Damn you Google for building such an accurate profile off of all of my previous statements off of boing boing!


Strawman says, What?

I just checked this guys tweet and it’s been removed as violating twitter rules. It’s about darn time twitter got tough on these criminals


Oh, good one…

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Yes, he should be arrested for threatening others. However, this is a Deep South state where they pick and choose which laws - if they even have them - are enforced.

Naturally, those that keep straight white heterosexual Christian males in power are enforced.

#NeverVoteRepublican - or the entire US will turn in to the failed democracies of the South
#TaxTheChurches #TaxTheRich


AND the horse he rode in on.
horse GIF


Over the last couple of weeks, with all these horrible anti-trans, LGBTQ bills being emplemented, I want all these legislator’s computers be investigated. There’s a reason they’re so frantically trying to sweep these issues under the rug. I bet we’d find some interesting skellies in their closets!
I hope the kids of this particular guy aren’t subjected to his hateful rhetoric every day. If one is gay or transgendered, their father will most likely kick them out and never speak of them again.


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