Missouri church calls for "all young men" between 18–29 to "form a militia"— then apologizes

God will know his own.



Is this the kind of “militia” that gun-huggers refuse to acknowledge as a crucial part of the Second Amendment’s allowance for extremely limited forms of gun ownership?


Are those who scan the QR code expressing interest in taking the sword also eligible to die by it; or just to receive a URL where they can express their interest in dying by it?

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Missouri should make up its mind. Does it want to become the new Florida or the new Idaho?


The Klan?


The evangelical Protestants will put Catholics (all of them) in the work camps.

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Coughlin later claimed that, a few weeks after his arrival, the Ku Klux Klan — which targeted Catholics as well as Jews and African Americans — burned a cross in the churchyard. A sympathetic Irish-Catholic businessman, who owned Detroit’s WJR radio station, allowed the priest time on air to explain Catholicism to the community.


All of the urban Italian, Polish and Irish Catholics? Just marched right off by the rural rednecks and suburban WASPs?

The Catholic social club is called the Knights of Columbus.

The US Supreme Court is practically its own diocese.

Not saying they’d win, but they wouldn’t go down without a hell of a fight. (As evidenced by the very post we’re commenting on.) Which is my point. We’ve been warned for decades now, “It can happen here,” but that doesn’t just apply to fascism; it could also apply to a Thirty Years War/Troubles kind of situation.


the church cannot claim that an ad in their newsletter was a mistake. they took money in exchange for the publication? if so, that is, in effect, publishing using their voice. and they want to form a militia.

when can we start taxing churches? it won’t solve this particular problem but churches are obviously branching out of their core competency.


The catholic church already has a militia.


and? Care to tell me how evil my grandfather was? I mean, he actually helped liberate a death camp and nearly DIED for this country. But hey, he was catholic, so he must have been evil… :roll_eyes:

Well, if those catholics had just accepted their subordinate status as inferior, things would have been just fine… /s


How about a Militsiya then?


If only the Albigensians had had AR-15s.


So you’re implying a link between the Catholics and the Klan because their social organizations both use the language of “knighthood?” Does that mean Ian McKellen and the Jedi Order are in cahoots with the Klan too?


Well you know how those papists are… /s


They do do the advertising thing

note that the bulletin from 16 June is missing.

I wouldn’t be surprised if parishesonline does the layout, sells the ads, and gets it printed.


That’s what the blog post you posted above says, at least

I was skeptical that Ascension Parish distributed a bulletin with such a nutty ad in it without ever noticing the ad was in it, and I said so, but it turns out that I was wrong. That’s an easier mistake to make than you think. I’d imagined the church bulletins being mimeographed by a nun in the parish office on a Saturday afternoon. Of course, that isn’t the case. A former bulletin editor explained that every parish just sends their parish information to a bulletin publishing company, who inserts the ads and prints off the bulletins themselves without any input or knowledge from the parish about what the ads may be. The parish opens a big cardboard box of bulletins just before the first Sunday Mass and stacks them up to be distributed.


WHAT?! What kind of a weird leap is that? No, see, the Klan would be part of the Protestant rural rednecks. You might not know this, but the Klan is historically very antagonistic towards Catholics. All part of a “Catholics aren’t really Christians” thing they had. “Knights” was mentioned as a response to someone else implying Catholics might be herded into camps like so many sheep. Unlikely when even their social club bears a kind of belligerent name.

As far as your last sentence goes, I doubt famously gay mensch McKellen would have anything to do with racists and bigots, and Jedis are make-believe.