Originally published at: Mitch McConnell morphed into a lap dog over night, and New York Daily News can prove it | Boing Boing
I wouldn’t say “overnight.” Remember he earned the nickname “Moscow Mitch” long before the insurrection, so it’s not like this is new behavior for him.
Ironically, Trump doesn’t even like lap dogs. He likes no one. He only likes his daughter and himself. Probably himself more.
Making any appeal to honor, veracity, probity, ethics, compassion, representation, … has solidified as a less efficient, more difficult, road to power and money in the modern republican party. Foolish lefties (e.g. moi) would still beg to differ.
McConnell will back anyone who keeps him in power and keeps his gravy train rolling. If that means backing an authoritarian, so be it. As long as it keeps his bank account flush and him as the key power broker in Washington…
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
tough call. he’s made his feelings about ivanka quite clear i would say.
Maybe he likes his daughter because she offers the best chance for tissue matched organ donership? His sons have probably fucked up their organs with cocaine, reducing their usefulness to daddy.
i think that photo illustration needs work. you can see where it is off – trumps hands are way too big.
Two things I used to love, Dogs & Chickens. I’m doomed. /s
Oh ffs.
craven adjective
Definition of craven
1 : lacking the least bit of courage : contemptibly fainthearted
2 : archaic : defeated, vanquished
(from Merriam-Webster)
At last, a raison d’etre that begins to justify Ivanka’s existence. Wait, what am I saying? Only if the parts are donated to charity, and DJT had his charity status revoked.
As if MM gives a flyin fsck what people think about him.
Or at least act like he is backing them. He knows the drill & has no shame.
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