Mitt Romney delivers totally weak-ass response to racist Trump tweets

@LDoBe is an ex Mormon IIRC

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Nah. I just have a lot of friends who are


Poor Mitt Romney. It seems his entire political career has been spent trying to be the reconciler between the crazy extremes of his party and the rest of America.

By crazy conservative standards, he’s one of the moderates. The problem is, trying to give a “neutral” answer only works if both sides of the argument have a ghost of a chance at coming together and having a discussion. Even then, if one side has done something unequivocally bad, a neutral answer merely comes off as gutless pandering.

I suppose it’s predictable— in true Utah tradition, he’s show total tone-deafness to the national mood, and become the wrong type of politician for this decade.

The mormon church has been officially racist for most of its history. And the prophet and council of 12 are so incredibly ancient that I’d frankly be shocked if they weren’t quite racist by default.


So do I.

There are a lot of racists in Utah, yes. But then again there are a lot of racists in America…

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But why reconcile with a group he should repudiate?

And a kick in the nuts hurts less than being beaten in the nuts repeatedly with a baseball bat.


And quite insane for all its history. Founded by a convicted con man, don’t forget. Like any faith, it’s a way to structure and fill one’s time when not being productive. Just follow some holy rules. And hand over 1/10 of your money, thank you.

I see it more as a way for the priestly class to avoid doing work in order to get by.

I get a very clear impression reading the very early history of Joseph Smith when he’s still a teenager right through when he meets and marries Emma, that everything he does is to convince other people to do his share of whatever work there is.


Sounds awfully like Huckleberry Finn…


“I can’t do any of the digging! I gotta look at these magic rocks in my hat in order to guide you!”


“Can I look at the magic rocks?”
“Maybe once you finished whitewashing that fence.”



It’s weird to contemplate. We’re more than a century and a half after a con artists’ death and people are still living their lives around the con. Somehow I always figure that religions are more complex than just some guy made shit up and it took on a life of it’s own. Mormonism suggests it can be just that simple.


Let me introduce you to Scientology…

(I promise I won’t actually introduce you to Scientology.)


I’m not rich or insipid enough. I’ll have to go Mormon, then.

I used to live near the HQ of a splinter Mormon group in Santa Rosa, California, the faction run by Smith’s family, not Young’s. I think the site has been built-over by the Peanuts / Snoopy museum. Aian tourists cluster to take selfies with Peanuts statuettes. They never did that with the Mormons. Go figure.

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