What can I say, she’s advanced.
Yep, that’s my science baby.
RatBoy the Younger would be happy to have an honorary uncle, evil or not. Though I think he needs little or no help in that department. Note the faint glow of red in each eye… I don’t think that’s a photographic artifact!
I would have to hunt down the onsie pics as it has been 13+ years now…
How about at 4 years old with a horde of Pez Dispensers?
DSC00441 by Tobin Lathrop, on Flickr
All the cute kid photos reminds me of why I love other peoea cute kid photos
(I have even learned to hold my god children without embarrassing me or them, so I am making progress :D)
The one on the left? Totes.
My little mutant has a unique perspective on life (I think my wife had been showing her some heart operations on Youtube):
Today she was shutting down her mansplainin’ dad for dictating her clothing choices (yes, you do have to wear pants to kindergarten…)
Does the kindergarten really not allow kids to wear dresses? Or is it that your kid simply prefers pants?
Is that… Cheese? Can I give the little hooman a high five?
She just wanted to wear winter tights with a short dress (like this, but shorter):
Her expression was also like that, but less impressed.
It’s not warm at the moment, and kids here spend plenty of time outside.[quote=“japhroaig, post:110, topic:69901”]
Is that… Cheese?
Yes, I guess it’s supposed to represent blood. My wife has never really had a problem with graphic videos, as long as they’re educational (surgery, childbirth etc.)
My blood really does resemble cheese, when I’ve eaten a lot of it.
Have I been cloned without my knowledge? (Of course you can use cheese for blood. you can use cheese for anything)
And they turn into the coolest geeky teens!
I’ve run out of likes. Again! Thanks to all those cute babies you lot have posted. That’s right… I blame your children.
They are always to blame. And I tell them that.
Then they say to my face, “you’re so silly unky japhroaig”, and I melt.
You have no idea how accurate that joke is!!!
Not bad parenting?
Standards are slipping around here.