Mmm... Japhroaig's ruminations on Love, Happiness, and Musk

I will take hugs as well :smile:

If a wee baby likes violin music, Alistair White is exceptional. But my arch nemesis is also in this band on pipes, so beware.


I don’t what it is about Andre Rieu, she’s only 10 months actual (not quite 8 months corrected) so she can’t tell me. But I would assume it is a combination of the high energy music, flashing lights and colours. I posted a video of her bouncing away to it to facebook today.

Anyway, I think this thread is mostly about dating, which I have very little experience in despite being married.

Heh, me too as well :smile:

My own agenda is to provide a cautionary tale of what not to do, with occasional musical interludes.

I’ve been married for 8 years now. I’m not sure that is long enough for me to be telling people what to do, but I’m happy. Had the infant this year after years of trying and fertility treatments.


###hugs all around

17 years has left me a little… Sensitive, I guess? But dude I am so happy to hear you have a little mutant (as we all are) in you family.

I request pictures with dangerous animals or gifs in onsies. But that’s because I can be evil uncle Japhroaig :slight_smile:


Will this do? Photo was taken about 2 months ago.


So.many. dandelions!!!

(Beautiful person you brought into this world!!)


Awww what a cutie!

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leaving this here for @japhroaig


Wow… Command division already.


Great music. But that audience is about as interesting as watching three coats of paint drying during an episode of All My Children while scrubbing burnt crap off the bottom of a big pot.

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Wait, that’s your baby??? Oh my goodness!!!


Nerdy babies are the best babies.


“Stand perfectly still while playing, and clap mildly appreciatively.”

##I said mildly!!


When an eel bites your face in a delicate place, that’s a moray
put your hand in a crack, if you don’t get it back, that’s a moray
if you flail like a git, and your body gets bit, that’s a moray
when an eel bites your thigh, and you think you might die, that’s a moray
if you start to feel weak when an eel bites your cheek, that’s a moray.
When you swim in the sea and an eel bites your knee, that’s a moray
When a fish lunges out and it bites off your snout, that’s a moray
When you swim in the buff, and a fish bites your stuff, that’s a moray
when you swim till you faint, and an eel bites your taint, that’s a moray
When you go for a hug, but you pull back a nub, that’s a moray
When you’re beneath a boat and it goes for the throat, that’s a moray
if you’re under the dock and an eel eats your cock, that’s a moray
When you’ve suffered blood loss from pharyngeal jaws, That’s a moray!
When you see something long and it bites off your schlong, that’s a moray
When you don’t know a guy and he eats up your eye, that’s a moray
when an eel bites your ass with small teeth sharp as glass, that’s a moray
When you pee in the sea and a eunuch you leave, that’s a moray
When you’re swimming by and a bite makes you cry, that’s a moray
if you act really dumb it will swallow your thumb, that’s a moray
When you swim in the sea, and an eel hits your knee, that’s a Moray!

When you yearn to be free but we won’t let you be, those are mores…
A New Zealander man, with face tats and a tan, that’s a Maori (Spider Robinson)

Can I both apologize for and also disavow this post?


You win one Internet’s.


I applaud you: we are back on USENET and it feels just like the olden days.

