Mob of young MAGA hat wearers surrounds Native American elder and mock him [UPDATED WITH NEW VIDEO]

Speaking as someone that was an outcast through school that hits me right in the feels. Oof.


I wish things had changed, but not much has. This video is evidence of that.

We’re fucked as a species, thanks to assholes like this.


Where does this leave us? First, a comment about the March for Life, which I support. The gross over-politicization of this religious event, and its increasing reliance on political figures to draw crowds, is unnecessary, irreligious and dangerous.

A public demonstration of a group’s disain for a piece of legislation taking place in the central political location of your country is a religious event now? Fuck off.


It’s better than just giving up and letting people walk on you, for starters.

Being intersectional, I’ve been oppressed and devalued my whole entire life.

I don’t expect to ‘win’ or even to “overcome” in my lifetime… but I’ll still keep fighting until my very last breath.


Despite its flaws, America has always been a land well-supplied with heroes.

They just aren’t the people that are centred in the mainstream white history.


Threaded elsewhere.

Continuing to fight a losing (lost) battle is not a reason for optimism.

What would have people do, then? Lay down and wait to rot?

No thanks; I’ll keep fighting.


A battle is not lost until the final warrior surrenders or dies. I am not seeing surrender on our side. I am seeing increasing desperation on theirs. Desperate people are most dangerous, and I do worry about that, but look at the young people coming up. Not these asshats, there will always be asshats. Young people today are, as a whole, more inclusive, more respectful of differences, more open-minded than any generation ever. The fringes will always get the headlines, but overall, yes, I think there is hope.


For those who haven’t seen this, the kid has outed himself and then tried to blame Mr. Phillips for “invading his personal space” in a statement released through a friggin PR firm hired to deal with the situation. I do understand that there are some engaged in bothsidesism, but in my humble opinion this kid’s own (doctored, polished) statement puts an end to any question about his views. He just as much of a privileged asshole as he appears in the video.


That’s called defeatism, and it does not help the fight. The racists and the conservatives are performing a fighting retreat and, while sometimes they achieve limited and temporal success in stopping or reversing progress, the overall trend is towards progress. The fight will never stop, we will always have to stay vigilant to ensure that whatever progress we have achieved is not permanently reversed.


When you’re fighting actual fascists, it’s not a question of optimism but rather one of necessity.


The icing on the cake shit sandwich is the MAGA Hats were on a class trip for their school to attend an anti-abortion rally.

Ye gods.


Dont forget the gritching about “politicizing a religious issue” when the right has made abortion THE issue, and the one reason (well, the one they can openly ackowledge) that right wing evangelicals will wholeheartedly support a president who has run out of commandments to violate.


And I still don’t understand what they are so desperate about other than fear of losing a modicum of ill gotten “power”.

Growing up in the SF area I’m so used to multiculturalism that I find it unnerving being in a homogeneous environment.

But more likely it’s this:



Well, I was going to write a long explanation of how I got here, but this pretty much says it all:

Yes, the dirty fucking hippies were right. But they lost.

(You can also go reread A People’s History of United States, as I did a couple of years ago, and ask yourself ‘What’s really changed?’ The players are different, but the game is the same.)

You got exactly what I meant. The sarcasm flag didn’t apply because I was not being sarcastic. They’re totally bad hombres, and to Native Americans, they are the immigrants. I was however, poking fun at Trump’s views.

If only they’d erected a wall along the east coast to keep those foreigners out. It totally worked for China.

No, it didn’t.


That’s the joke.