Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/20/moose-traps-man-in-shed-home.html
I grew up in Alaska and I can assure you that moose are more dangerous than bears, especially in rutting season. Most bears are just ambling around, doop dee doop, oh hi! Yeah, I’ll go this way you go that way. If you remember to make enough noise you won’t even see them. I’ve even encountered a bear with her cubs, which is the old cliche, and just backed off without incident.
Bull moose, especially in rut, are like Raiders fans - sometimes mellow, but prone to fits of unprovoked ragey violence if you make eye contact. They’re the main reason I carried a .44 in the woods.
Would a blast from an air horn scare off a moose?
A moose once bit my sister
A classic!
Including the majestik møøse A Møøse once bit my sister… No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: “The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”…
Accidental Companion story:
"“I thought he was just accidentally calling me,” she said. “I had no clue that the poor thing was stuck in there.”
Curtis then called his 13-year-old daughter inside the house. She wanted to keep sleeping and ignored the call, Amy Phelps said."
Can confirm - sounds like my house.
I never tried it myself, but there were several tales (and a couple videos) of people who had tried an air horn and that just enraged the moose. If you’ve heard a moose bellow you could see how one could think that an air horn was just you challenging him.
On the other hand, bear spray works really well on moose as a last resort, except that they’re tall so you have to be sure you don’t accidentally get blowback into your own face.
This moose is missing his right antler. At first I thought it might be Bullwinkle, but we all know he has both antlers, walks on two feet, and is almost always accompanied by a flying squirrel.
Guess who is holding the camera.
Had a moose in our backyard a few years ago; let the basset hound and border collie out (not knowing there was a moose there ). Dogs came flying back in, moose went the other way, attempting to pass between two trees that couldn’t quite accommodate both antlers. Moose shed antlers regularly, by the way, no harm done.
The poor moose thought he’d found a friend. Alas, it wasn’t to be. Sad moose is sad.
Looks like it would make an interesting centerpiece/fruit-plate for the dining room table. Spiky bits could dangle the bananas.
Let us… shed… a tear.
I love how the moose breaks the fourth wall… He looks at us, shrugs, and walks off;)
I see it tastefully adorned with a couple hanging Christmas ornaments, but I think that’s just a Basselope influence.
Alaska Man is much more chill than Florida Man.
“Oh, hey, hi! How ya doing? I wanted to talk to you about how you’re parking your- hey, where’d ya go? I just wanted to talk! Sheesh…”
Between this and knowing that losing an antler is common, maybe it was Bullwinkle – he (and others on the show) broke the 4th wall all the time. In an era before that was even a phrase, I think?
There ya go!
Dave’s not here, man.