More of JD Vance denigrating childless women (audio)

Originally published at: More of JD Vance denigrating childless women (audio) - Boing Boing


It goes without saying that Republicans would also demonize any woman who had children before starting her career for being financially irresponsible.


What does he mean tho- He can’t tell up from down, he’s got the spins? Hasn’t got his sea-legs yet? Trouble migrating south for the winter? Do teachers without children make him carsick when he reads Trick Tracts on the way to Crackerbarrel? Just clarify “disoriented and really disturbed” JD.




There’s something particularly weird about his habit of simultaneously hammering on how having a terrible dysfunctional childhood helped make him the man he is today and insisting on how it’s critical that parents be in sole charge of their children.

One or the other would be one thing; but both at the same time is just odd. Though not out of character for a guy who won’t shut up about how childless democrats are proof of their nihilistic immorality and disdain for the future while being a convert to a religion that puts a lot of effort into keeping its leadership exclusively childless.


Every accusation is a confession!!
“The conservative idea is that parents should determine what children learn… if she wants to brainwash children, she should have some of her own”
As in, Get in line!


Maybe he gets the Twisties?


Doesn’t even surpise me. Several years ago my immediate supervisor (divorced mom) told me that when I was hired, our VP at the time told her that he thought I must be selfish and narcissistic because I didn’t have children. It was odd because the VP didn’t know whether or not we could have children. He just decided it was wrong that I didn’t have kids. He is an evangelical Christian who had three kids with his first wife before divorcing. He remarried and his second wife never had children. :woman_shrugging:


Ain’t nobody’s business!

The rethuglicant presidential candidates sure are digging themselves into a mighty great hole!
dig up stupid
It’s fantastic, the best hole, the greatest hole anyone’s ever seen.


How many children has JD given birth to?


Keep it coming, you Commander Waterford.


Vance: it makes him a much better human being to have exposure to his grandparents.
Eric Weinstein: That’s the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female in theory.
Vance: Yes.

Even though all Vance said here was “yes” I’m bringing this up just so I can mention that Eric Weinstein called me a punk by name on the Joe Rogan Experience.

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