More weird ideas from JD Vance about women

Originally published at: More weird ideas from JD Vance about women - Boing Boing




Before I saw your comment, just from the headline I thought it was something new. It’s not unreasonable to assume he’s going to continue to spout nonsense.


He’s really counting on his audience to be completely ignorant of what economic liberalism and neoliberalism actually is.

This former Silicon Valley VC and the techbro sugar daddies who bought him his slot on the ticket are all about the “hyper-market-oriented way of thinking” that ultimately forces most women to work.


Everything Vance says sounds like when Homer accidentally listened to vocabulary-building tapes: literally the most misguided person stating their absolutely stupid ideas with the biggest words they know.


Soooo close…

The economic logic of always prioritizing paid wage labor over other forms of contributing to a society is to me … a consequence of a sort of capitalism that is ultimately gonna unwind and collapse upon itself.


Also, that is a really rich quote coming from a Republican, who would love to keep both wages and social support low so that everyone needs to “prioritize paid wage labor”.


Bullshit. The US didn’t collapse back then, only the rich’s wealth reduced to few times more then normal working people comparing to the zillion times as now. So the weirdo is fine with other(his inlaw) paying for his childcare but not himself.

In 1943, Congress allocated $20 million to create the nation’s first and only universal childcare program under an infrastructure law called the Lanham Act (1940). States and private companies used the funding to set up hundreds of “war nurseries” that enrolled an estimated 550,000 children over the course of the war. Though the program was temporary and did not reach every family who needed care, it represented an important milestone: the first time the US government acknowledged childcare as critical infrastructure.

I don’t understand how this pipe hole and his running mate (another pipe hole) can claim they’re for working class people. Destroying social security, medicare, union bursting, scrap the education department, kill the EPA, tax cut for the riches, disrespect service members… too many to count are somehow claimed as supporting the population.


Or maybe he just didn’t want his mother-in-law around.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with a person taking time off to help and support their family. There is definitely something massively wrong with the core assumption that it would be the female members of the family that are taking that time off.

If he had said anything at all about the kids’ male relatives doing something like taking time off, then it would be a reasonable statement. The hyperliberalized (in the classical liberal sense) economy is exactly a part of our much larger societal problems. It’s just that he seems to think the solution is to return to women as chattel who exist to support the men and their other chattel.


By the way, his mother-in-law didn’t take a “sabbatical”. That’s a leave of absence to further study and work in your academic field of interest. What she took was compassionate family leave, which is something the state of California offers employees, but which Vance (and the GOP) is very much opposed to granting, just as they are opposed to protecting the jobs of people who take that option, and as they are opposed to providing child care benefits to parents.

As usual, he’s both a hypocrite and a liar.


from Imgflip Meme Generator


Well yeah, because he wants all MIL (and ALL women) to be home with the children, not out in public which should only be for the men, in his view.


Reading that made my teeth hurt it was so stupid.


As always, he’s just flat-out wrong.

Lower divorce rates, teen pregnancy and better health outcomes for children. Shocking that empathy-based policies would create such a situation (s/).


They set up the conditions for misery with their actual liberal)/neoliberal economic policies (e.g. deregulation, trickle-down tax policy, small government, fewer social programmes, under-funded schools, anti-union laws, etc.) in the states that they run. Then, when things inevitably go bad as a result of their greed, heavy-handed and religion-infused conservative social policies are all they have to offer as “solutions”.


And a Republican, but I repeat myself…


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