JD Vance: Forget lowering daycare costs — "Grandpa and Grandma" can pitch in (video)

Originally published at: JD Vance: Forget lowering daycare costs — "Grandpa and Grandma" can pitch in (video) - Boing Boing


Not if they’re the type of people who would vote for you.


Maybe they live too far away to provide childcare. Maybe they have an estranged relationship with their family. Maybe they’re still working to get by. Maybe they have multiple grandchildren and can’t care for them all at once. Maybe they aren’t physically up to the task. Maybe they’re freaking dead.

Once you start to consider the possibilities, all those “maybes” add up to “probably not an option for most people.” So let’s provide a solution for everyone else, FFS.


Didn’t Grandma and Grandpa voluntarily die of COVID to keep medical costs down or because of Freedom™ or something? Haven’t they given enough?


Modern Republicanism seems to boil down to “Why are you saying I should help other people? Other people can go fuck themselves.”


It’s high time for undead Americans like grandma and grandpa to pull their own weight for once.



They can come drag Vance and co to the land of the undead, that seems like it would definitely help.


That’s rich, coming from the American version of a zombie-eyed granny starver. Under his watch, grandma and grandpa will be too busy greeting customers at Walmart or doing the Amazon nomadland circuit.


If he could, my grandpa would definitely rise from his mouldering grave to drag this dipshit to whichever underworld of pain and suffering is his due.

Unfortunately none of the gods of the underworld will have him. Even the Cenobites find him too disgustingly creepy.

  1. Do you have grandchildren? (nuff said.)
  2. Are your parents and in-laws stepping up to the plate to fulfill that role? Why or why not?

He has three children (Ewan, Vivek and Mirabel) that at least one is of school age, considering he got married in 2014.


The good thing about crap like this is it destroys whatever potential PR benefits Trump had in picking this guy for VP.

Veteran-But trashes fellow veterans, voted against their interests and makes excuses for defiling Arlington National Cemetery.

Working class background-But supports billionaires and efforts to screw over working people.

The “weird” label and “couchfucker” jokes stick because he comes across as creepy and unable to relate to fellow human beings.


That sounds great!

Please Vote Uncle Sam GIF

(Uncle Sam, for all non-USAian mutants out there!)


Republicans: “Local industries collapsed? Free market! If there are no jobs near you, you simply need to move to a place where there are jobs, even if it’s across the country. It’s the American tradition.”
Also Republicans: “But your entire support structure moved with you, so you don’t need any state help, right?”

I look at my own family, where generation after generation moved great distances for work, distancing themselves from any sort of support network. (When there even was one to begin with.) That’s been incredibly common in the US since the 19th century. (Unlike a lot of countries.) Republicans have traditionally embraced that, too.


‘Are there no workhouses?’


They’re working on it.


Let’s see. The average first-time mother in 2024 is 27. The average first-time mother 27 years ago was 24. That makes the average first-time grandmother 51 years old. How many 51-year-olds are retired and thereby able to take on their grandchildrens’ child care? Apparently 6% and I’m willing to bet that is a 6% that skews very wealthy, so their kids are unlikely to be the ones struggling most with childcare costs.

This “solution,” boiled down, is: “use your privilege.”


I doubt even Republicans want high daycare costs (for themselves, anyway), but the cruelty is such a priority that Vance can’t even turn it off long enough to lie and give an answer anyone would want to hear.


So, he wants to lower the standards for getting certified to do daycare responsibly; like they lowered the standards for starting your own unaccredited school. And if your kids’ aunts and uncles have kids of their own, they can neglect them while helping pay for your kids?? Yeah, sounds like a plan with a great future. What we need is more grandparents right?


He goes on to say something about providing training for aspiring childcare workers, plus lowering the amount of red tape and training required for childcare workers.


Which of course is code for “removing protections for children.”

Funny how the party constantly warning us that anything the tiniest bit non-heteronormative is “grooming” is also fine and dandy with doing away with safeguards or background checks for the people we entrust with the care of our children.