Mother hand feeds her 13-year-old son who plays video games at an Internet cafe for days at a time

The very least he could do is take up gold farming and provide for his family. /s


Either this is made up to sell a tabloid story or there is significantly much worse issues going on in that family outside of that fact the kid only wants to hang out in a PC Cafe/PC bang all day.

If the kid really was being affected by ‘the addiction’, he wouldn’t be able to afford to pay to play at the cafe. Those cafes along with the f2p games that are featured there aren’t charities. Sure he could make some side cash doing odd jobs, but I doubt a kid who is a middle school dropout that also looks like he has a serious eating disorder would get hired to do much let alone have the strength to steal enough stuff to pay for the time at the cafe. There are some serious holes in that story folks

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As the father of a 16 year old boy I would say “not really”. My wife was sometimes hand feeding our son at the dinner table when he was 12 or so. She just wanted to get the food in to him. Like most kids his age he spends a lot of time on line, using instagram, etc.

By the looks of that “internet cafe” right on the floor under him.

Berating poor third world villagers for not following the latest trends in interior design? You funny, funny man.


Yes, I agree. It became much more obvious after I watched it a 2nd time.

I had to Google that. It’s made up, right? Pooping in a sock means you’ve given up on propriety and you’re resigned to making a mess. At that point, what is the sock doing for you? Just take a dump on the floor next to your chair, 'cause that’s where it’s gonna wind up.

As far as I know it occupies that curious, epistemologically interesting, niche of having no empirical support(even “N=proves nothing you morons!” scale anecdote); but of encapsulating a genre of concern well enough to be culturally salient(eg. TVtropes has a section on games with anti-poopsocking design elements.

Like many anecdotes that have a punchline and a moral of the story that line up a bit too neatly I have strong doubts about the historical reality of poopsocking; but it is one of those contrafactuals that people sometimes do bother to deny or decry; which elevates it above the universe of contrafactuals that nobody would even bother mentioning.

My own doubt has less to do with any lingering belief that people are above that; and more to do with the somewhat implausible level of effort involved: successfully defecating into a sock would be far more trouble than just soiling yourself; and only minimally(if at all) less than just going to the bathroom for a minute. That cuts down on the potential takers immensely: too much effort for the truly dysfunctional; not nearly enough gaming time saved for anyone with vestiges of dignity or a need to conceal…special category laundry…from others.

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The tell is that you might get by for a while in your game with just the mouse, but poopsocking clearly requires both hands, while craphanding only requires one. A well practiced toss to the wastepaper basket and just remember to stack your Cheetos on the right side of the keyboard.

If that worked I’d never have played computer games…

You could maybe say that about any substance or behavioral addiction issues, but at the end of the day, for some people, video games can be exceptionally addictive. Just like for some people, slot machines can be. It’s a neurological thing. Booze, drugs, sex, etc. etc.

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What happens if Mom just stops paying for the child’s internet cafe?

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