Mother of twins put an FAQ on their stroller

When I was pregnant, I took a prenatal yoga class in my final trimester. About half the moms were older moms who had gone through some horrible fertility nightmares to get pregnant. I had never had any experience with people who had gone through that before then, and I have so much sympathy for anyone who has had to go through it. It was heartwrenching to hear their stories. Yes, I agree, it is not a conversation to have casually.


I still love Ray Romano’s story of how his mother was babysitting his twins. When Ray came to pick them up one of them had a scratch he hadn’t had earlier, and Ray was convinced his mother had scratched one of them intentionally and said, “Okay, Joey has a scratch…and he’s a crybaby.”

“an” typically is used for in front of a noun that sounds as though it begins with a vowel. Mark’s use here would indicate that he pronounces FAQ as “EF-AY-QUE”

/pedantic english teacher mode off

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Maybe a sign simply saying “Our reproductive systems and children are none of your business” would be more polite than the passive-agressive approach she has taken.

Aaaaaabsolutely. I have a set of very active twins. They are 13 now and still a big handful. But those early years…


Approximately 5 years of mental instability, and that is no exaggeration.


OT, but I love your username. I’ve got tons of Chickadees in my yard - I love them because they’re much more fearless than the larger birds.

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I for one liked the FAQ approach.


Thanks! I like the wordplay of it. I used “chickie” on another site and I think it was not available, and then I preferred this one anyway.

We have a ton of birds at our house and we love to watch them. But not as much as the cats.


I agree that cats are fun to watch, but not nearly as fun as birds.


That’s what the laminating machines are for.

I thought they were for conceiving twins.


Yeah, I’ve always said “fack”. I was quite surprised when I encountered an “an” in front of it in print a few years back.

I ran a straw poll on a forum, and got 28% pronouncing “eff-ay-kew”, 64% “fack”, and 8% other (including “fa-kew”), from 318 responders.

I did the whole IVF thing and I talk about it openly, but for a lot of people it’s pretty personal stuff. I also talk about my miscarriage pretty openly too. But I just like to talk.

But how else are we supposed to make new friends?!


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