Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/10/mousommar-adorable-rodent-may.html
My cat would just love something like this for her birthday!
Please tell me there’s one with a mouse inside a … what’s the mouse-scale equivalent of a bear … brown rat costume?
Midsommar is the answer to 4 down in today’s Vox crossword puzzle. That is all.
She also has a Deliverance mouse…
For $65 bucks, before taxes & shipping.
To be fair, taxidermy is pretty skilled work that not a lot of people do now a days… I probably wouldn’t buy it, as I’m not into dead things as art as a rule… but still. It’s kind of cute and gothic.
Fair point that it’s a time consuming, labor intensive endeavor.
That said, I was just discussing it with my teen: I generally don’t vibe with the idea of keeping preserved animal carcasses around as decor to begin with… let alone if it’s that expensive.
They don’t even really do it with fish anymore. They just get a picture of it and make a fiberglass model.
Yep. I mean, whatever people want to do (within, you know, reason), bless them. I do admire her craftsmanship and imagination in these creations. A job well done!
The artistry itself is impressive…
I kind of wonder how she started doing this? Like, were her parents taxidermists? Was this just a morbid hobby she picked up as an adult… I’m kind of curious about it.
Nice mouse
Did we get to talk about Midsommar and I missed it? Great freaking movie.
To be fair, they always did that, at least with many types of fish. Fish aren’t great subjects for taxidermy, for obvious reasons, and many are impossible. So most fish taxidermy has always involved making a model of the fish, sometimes with part of the actual fish skin stretched on it.
Oh, that is weirdly adorable. That little mouse expression - I’m assuming that was deliberate; it must have been tricky to pull off.
Don’t be alarmed now…
I kinda like it. Seems a better way to go as part of an art attempt than as a moldering cat turd in a heap of shiity litter.
I could have done without the intro part. That was the truly horrifying part for me and it hit a bit too close to home. Not that I thankfully have had any experience like that but as someone who lives a long way away from friends and family there is that worry that events can transpire that you can do nothing about and that you are only connected to through a phone call.
Realistic horror being injected into unrealistic horror is the same reason I think I will skip The Body if I ever rewatch Buffy (and let’s be realistic: I will at some point).
I hadn’t noticed that contrast, interesting thoughts. I have thought a bit about how Dani had replaced her family, but I haven’t spent much time trying to relate more complex ideas from that trauma to the later events. It’s sickening and I think my mind is happy to not revisit!
A bit more technical… I wonder if the soul crushing real horror opens a “plausible” envelope that lets the more fanciful horror play out with less judgement?
The mouse looks kinda wonky to be honest.
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