Mr. T's new TV show on DIY


Mr. T is awesome!



Now I have this stuck in my head:

I could talk all day, but the rest is up to you!

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One of his home improvement projects left a lot of people upset. Hopefully his attitude has changed a bit, or they’ll need to keep him to indoor only makeovers.

I once saw Mr T interviewed during his ascent in the early to mid 80s. Asked what his dream was he said it was to give his mother a mansion. I don’t know how he grew up, but he took the good he received from his family seriously. He gave up wearing his gold chains after seeing the aftermath of hurricane Katrina feeling them insensitive. Good luck Mr T!


Look out for Mr T’s next show about diamond cutting: I Pity the Jewel

And then his show on vampire-hunting: I Pity the Ghoul

And after that he has to take some menial house-cleaning jobs: I Pity the Pool

Then he takes on art critics one-on-one: I Pity the Sewell

Finally he winds up on a Welsh sheep farm: I Pity the Wool


Want. Want now. Someone make this a thing. It’s… perfect.


The T-Team, hammers and prybars swinging, will demolish old walls and fixtures. Wood, fasteners, and bits of brick will fly everywhere, yet no one will ever be injured.

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Nobody…? Ok… “I ain’t gettin’ on no…”


He even appears OSHA compliant.

29 CFR 1910.333(c)(8)

"Conductive apparel."  Conductive articles of jewelry and clothing (such a watch bands, bracelets, rings, key chains, necklaces, metalized aprons, cloth with conductive thread, or metal headgear) may not be worn if they might contact exposed energized parts.  However, such articles may be worn if they are rendered nonconductive by covering, wrapping, or other insulating means.

Having already punched the shark, he can jump it at his leisure.


Mr. T hates hipsters and mechanics? Lesson learned!

As I understand it, he pities those fools.


Mr T scans his supply of tools, “I’m looking for one of you to help me secure this pane of glass… hey sucker!”

"Thankfully this pane ain’t feeling no pain in my domain. " winks to fourth wall

a bastion of gentility and reserve

I think they meant “white”…

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Ha! Yes, perhaps that is code. It’s a lot of old mafia houses up there too.

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Or maybe they’re afraid the A-Team will bust up their racket!!!


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