Mueller team says person 'connected to' Congress tried to limit Flynn cooperation

You don’t need the sarcasm tag.


I assumed it was Lyndsey Graham. He seems willing to twist arms and encourage bad decisions for a president he used to recognize was horrible

Graham in 2016
“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…and we will deserve it.”
(we meaning the Republicans, not the country. That was his priority, apparently)


“connected to congress”

This is vague, but the wording is important especially considering that we’re dealing with legal-wranglers. It’s not someone in congress. Connected to.

I’m betting a staffer for Nunes. Congressmen aren’t going to hang their asses out in the wind like this. Most of these men are lawyers, after all. They’ll know how outrageous and red-handed that would leave them looking as they held Trump’s cover up bag.


Congress gets to decide how Congress operates. In other words, the reason he can refuse to let Congress do their jobs is because Congress voted to make it that way. Keep that in mind when some member of Congress complains about it.

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It’s not that exciting as an order:

MINUTE ORDER as to MICHAEL T. FLYNN. The government is hereby ORDERED to file on the public docket in this case the transcript of the “voicemail recording” referenced in the 75 Addendum to Government’s Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing and the transcripts of any other audio recordings of Mr. Flynn, including, but not limited to, audio recordings of Mr. Flynn’s conversations with Russian officials, by no later than May 31, 2019. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the government shall submit to Chambers audio versions of the recordings on a DVD by no later than May 31, 2019. Signed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on 5/16/2019.

But the next one is interesting too:

Unredacted versions of the Mueller report sections about Flynn…


^sigh> Used to be my Rep. Lloyd Doggett was my Rep. until I got gerrymandered out of his district. This, fortunately, has not stopped him. We aren’t ALL stupid here in Texas.

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I work at the Texas Medical Center, so I’m well aware that Texas has plenty of smart people. Being surrounded by 20000 people all more qualified than Lamar Smith to chair the House Science committee made him particularly frustrating


I live in Austin and have since 1972. I literally have nighmares about NOT living here (Chicago was one of the weirdest since I’ve hardly been any farther than Nebraska; LA was a foreign country that happened to speak some form of English. Point being, and unlike Ellen I may not have one). I adore living here and the people are fine. Misguided a lot of times (from my point of view, but I’m sure it is mutual), but one finds that most people are ok and that, collectively, they can become stupid. It’s an odd phenomenon.

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I get General Flynn confused with General Rogers.

Which one told Trump that he was being spied upon?

Don’t unless you have kids under 10.

Or some LSD. YMMV

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I remember these “Cheat To Win” silicone bracelets…

I feel like The Onion should restart their factory immediately, and make more, with these small changes:

  1. use orange silicone (which thus references both Cult45 and Florida counties having been hacked in 2016 )
  2. stamped with a ballotbox icon
  3. stamped with the word “gerrymander”
  4. stamped with a phone number for… I dunno… the local FBI office? the local major network news affiliate? there’s a bit of quis custodiet ipsos custodes problem here… who to call when the very institution being asked to investigate election fraud may be complicit with the fraudsters?

Other reporting has it that Matt Gaetz was the Trump bootlicking congresscritter in question, right?

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