Mueller told Trump lawyers he could subpoena President if he refuses to testify: Reports

While there’s a good chance you’re right, remember that Pence et al can’t pardon him for state crimes. Once he’s out of office, do we really think there are no state crimes he’s committed, or no state-level prosecutors who would go after him?


Currently, the President is screwing with the work of the President of the United States.


Trump’s handlers:


This :arrow_up: is a classic; always cracks me up.

As does this one:



Said the rest of us to Donald Trump.



so this list was prepared by Trump’s lawyers to brief him.

In other words, its not what we thought it was.

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At once showing that not only do they think of this investigation as a game but that they believe the president is too important to answer to the law.


And it wasn’t leaked by who we may have thought.

I find it weird that anyone entertained Mueller’s people leaked it. And that the “reveal” that it’s a list prepared by Trumps legal team is news. The very first story I saw/heard on this clearly indicated that Mueller only provided a summary that Trump’s people used to generated a list of expected questions. And yet this was reported everywhere as Mueller’s list of questions. Even in that first story I ran across.

The news is eating itself.


I was pretty sure it was a cynical ‘leak’ from the defense.

I’d like to be optimistic about all this but I think there is a danger if it ultimately fails removing 45 from office. He may very well be impeached but if he is not removed from office, he’ll manipulate the outcome and be even more swellheaded and brazen and declare that he was right about everything and vindicated. His followers and enablers would pounce on this whole process.

It’s obvious that there’s enough guilt there to imprison any former president but everything has to be positioned just right for it to go the whole 9 yards. Mueller seems to be taking those steps carefully and methodically. There’s no hope from congress or the press at this point.


A house majority will do nothing, that’s why Clinton won with a house minority of dems. Impeachment needs 2/3rds for conviction and removal from office, not a simple majority. I don’t understand the distinction between being impeached (which Clinton was) and being convicted for the impeachment, but that’s how it goes.
But yeah, obviously anything to hurt the re-election and get wrongdoing on the books, but I don’t think he’s ever going to be convicted even if the evidence is solid. That’s why I was wondering about the NY state trial I was hearing about. I don’t know the specifics, but he could conceivably really be convicted, however serving actual time seems unlikely and only an impeachment trial can remove him from office, right?

again, perjury and obstruction were “substantiated” in Clinton’s trial, but there was no conviction and removal. 2/3rds house majority was not forthcoming in that trial, and I don’t see it happening in this one.

OK, so this is good news, or better anyway, but we still have to wait until he’s out of office. I mean, he could still be re-elected. I don’t think the people who voted for him care about any of this, they’ll vote for him again because he went against the rules. Hopefully not in as great a number, but what if the Dems run a “you’re gonna have to vote for this candidate you don’t like or else Trump wins” again?

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At the moment it’s unlikely the impeachment process would even start.

But that doesn’t mean a confirmed example of obstruction is nothing for Trump. It keeps the investigation going, keeps the scandal in the news. Pushes it into more negative territory for Trump and the GOP members who have been excusing him.

There doesn’t need to be a successful impeachment right now for this to be bad for Trump. These things move slow. Today’s political situation is not tomorrows. And with every Trump functionary that gets indicted, convicted, resigns, or pleads guilty. It becomes harder for Trump to push his agenda, engender support from his own party, And hold onto power. And the longer this stays in the headlines to more effect it’s likely to have.

Lying to federal investigators would be very, very, bad for Trump. Regardless of the fact that it wouldn’t instantly and magically remove him from power or flip our political dynamic on its head. That would be about as unlikely if the piss video came out tomorrow. And featured Trump begging Putin for election help while strangling a hooker named “Sanctions”.


I suspect Mueller is taking his time, hoping the election will swing the balance of power. If it looks like the Dems will take the House (almost a certainty), then they could wait to impeach until after January (when the new members get sworn in). There’s a chance that even if the Dems take the Senate, they won’t have the 60 votes needed to convict, but that’s getting ahead of ourselves. We still don’t know what evidence Mueller has about, say, money laundering.

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So seems Trump is now a Colluder, an Obstructer, and a Leaker.


Probably. We’ll see if any of this comes to anything, which I have my doubts about, honestly.

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My goodness, that’s a lot of ducks. Why don’t they just fly to where they want to go? Fly you fools!

Yeah… dogs are smarter than cats. Fenton! Creighton?

Build that damn wall already! For Stella!