Muhammad Ali Jr detained AGAIN at airport today

What is the Rebel State?

It’s America, the USA, you know citizens of this country.


Really? I thought he “transcended race”, in his own words.

Um, say more, because what I’m hearing on respected media is that many Trumpites are still crowing…

Will the unvoters show up, man?

Are we (your Rebel State) pissed off enough? I am. And I voted, man.


To whom are you referring, Drew?

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With respect because I know you know this, but America isn’t a government. It’s a people. We’re not terminal. We’re here to stay. We may just need to water the tree of liberty. Don’t let the plutocrats, robber barons and Praetorian class co-opt the country. The government is the United States. The country is America.


I hope you aren’t THAT Drew, b/c if you are, you owe me a lot of cash/cachet, man. And I’ll collect in one way or another, eventually…


With the blood of patriots, I believe is the rest of that quote.

Who have spent the last thirty years increasingly subscribing to a set of political philosophies based on hate, distrust, fear, terror, xenophobia, nihiism and greed, and culminating in an election that is to a republic what a period is to a sentence. A full stop.

All’s that left at this point is determining the death toll percentage of the people in residence, how many of the people that aren’t Real Americans ™ will be able to live through what’s coming, and what the borders of the successor states will be.


On a random tangent; at what point does one traditionally stop using the “Jr.” suffix?

When one stops receiving royalties, methinks.


Not all of them. Not even a majority of them. Not even all who voted for hate. I refuse to give up on people, even the people who collectively let this happen. I gave up on the government long ago.


I’m with you, brother.

I give up on no one person.

Oh I give up on individuals all the time. But I won’t give up on the population of a land simply because they live within the borders of a swelling evil.


I’m not giving up on them. I’m just expecting a significant portion of them to die in what’s coming, because that’s what happens, historically speaking, when crises like these reach their tipping points. The avalanche has already started, and it is too late for the pebbles to vote. Some will survive what is coming, and rebuild, and possibly even learn from what mistakes were made. However, before that can happen, the United States will drag a great many of its pall-bearers into its pyre with it, and the only thing that can be done is to salvage as many lives as possible–but the collapse is now inevitable.


Troll someone else. I’m too tired for bullshit.



Agreed on all counts.

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You make your reality. And if that’s what you want, you’ll get it, whether you realize it or not.

Someone’s been taking Vorlon lessons.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Understanding is a three-edged sword