Musk tells Twitter employees “bankruptcy isn’t out of the question” as it descends into chaos

I really hate this idea that rich people must all be geniuses – if not Randian visionaries, then at least shadowy masterminds – no matter how many times we watch them walk into walls. Yeah, they get away with a lot. That’s because they have money.

As far as I can tell there is no reason to think that Musk had plans to destroy Twitter except that his panicked flopping around like a worm-infested killifish is destroying it. Why suppose he’s so very much smarter than he acts?


This is what we’re taught from birth, worship money-making, some day you’all can be like me, but we all woke up from that nightmare long ago, I hope.


I still am waiting for someone to explain any reason why he would purposely completely sink this ship. Other than complete lack of caring.


Translation: Twitter’s own internal counsel is basically saying “This guy has no idea what he’s doing. Take advantage of the unlimited pto while you can to interview for a new job someplace else”


He can buy 5 or 6 Twitters a day. He doesn’t give a fuck.

It’s another toy.


Slight exaggeration there. His net worth is currently estimated at just under $200B, so he could maybe buy about 5 twitters total if he cashed out all other assests.



“How are you going to deal with the expected attrition and align everyone on a shared vision?” Elon Answer: “I don’t know…we all need to be more hardcore.”

“I’m playing the music as fast and as loud as I can, captain!”


Or just keep it running, and focus on making luxury cars for the rich, and make it so the average person can never afford one.

The only question for me is who he will blame when his disastrous management directly destroys his own company.




I left Twitter before his buyout but I kinda want to rejoin for the dumpster fire. I hope this ends with Elon Musk crying on camera


Rob, you definitely win the Internet today with $8chan.

In addition to the spectacular blunders you’ve called out, I have to note that Twitter’s layoffs, which a Harvard professor of business management described as “a textbook example of how not to do layoffs,” are also in obvious and brazen violation of employment law, at the very least in California, Australia, and in Ghana, where Musk fired almost everyone in the sole Twitter office in all of Africa, simply ignoring the mandatory three-month notice period.

I mean, I don’t even see the cynical logic here - he’s begging for a huge wave of lawsuits. My only theory is he has this idea that he’s just going to do what he’s going to do and let the lawyers clean up after him. Because that worked so well with his carefully planned Twitter acquisition?


Weirdly enough this episode had some talk about bankruptcy being the pian. I think it was recored before Musk went in…


They will end up owning bankrupt tesla…

And there would be way less expensive ways to trash than hocking yourself to the tune of $44bn.

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that is amazing. good on them.

there’s absolutely no way being a “hero” employee – working themselves to the bone – is going to do any good, unless they think that somehow that will get them the notice of their rich celebrity boss.

but seeing as how he’s not announcing big bonuses and raises for all the remaining 12 people – or however many there are – i don’t think even that would get them very far. getting noticed is probably just the surest way to getting blamed for the on-going, inevitable twitastrophe.


Honestly, I’ve got nothing at this point. I don’t understand a single thing he’s doing. The only thing that makes sense is he’s just the most incompetent turd blossom the world has ever seen and it’s a cautionary tale for why listening to billionaires is a stupid ass thing to do, because 99.9999999% of their success is pure, uncontrolled luck that had nothing to do with anything they did and they’re really just utterly useless dipshits in human skin suits.


I think it may be owned by a Canadian speciality dish. I keep hearing that Poutaine owns him.


Aww come on!

I can’t be the only one schadenfreuding right now?

Cue - And_Nothing_of_Value_Was_Lost.jpeg