George W. Bush warned about this in his 2006 SOTU address, when he told Congress “to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms; creating or implanting embryos for experiments; creating human-animal human-banana hybrids; and buying, selling or patenting human embryos.”
They can’t stop just looking at him. Also he’s got a red cape that makes him run faster.
He gave them the slip.
Police are apeeling for witnesses to come forward.
I salute our new banana-human overlords!
This. I thought the same thing. Wait. The police was involved? Seriously?
Well, bananas are ever so slightly radioactive. The police probably had to check to ensure it wasn’t a fissile banana.
Is that better or worse than a depleted banana?
I believe the War on Bananas is neatly covered under Bruce Schneier’s more general War on the Unexpected.
This article was designed for boingboing
It’s the beginning of the Clone Wars.
Why don’t they use a sniffer dog for tracking the gentlenana?
That’s right @bottleimp, we are a bit radioactive and I am coming for you. I am gonna stuff my yellow butt down your bottle and splode you to radioactive shards. Watch out.
Why do I feel like this has already happened in a German fetish film?
My GF playfully squished up a melted bar of coal tar soap in the shower, and then I had to explain why I was laughing and saying “Du essen die scheiße”
His flying looks a little wobbly - which is about the way I fly in dreams.
Also, I notice that his banana Mohawk seems to also function as a sensory organ.
It was a fruity snuff film, I think.