Nation in uproar after cartoon breast revealed on Nickelodeon cartoon

If you are not able to have such a simple talk with your child, you are not mentally equipped to be a father.


Of course the French are behind this. I hear they just shove female breasts right in a baby’s face there, without any thought of the consequences.


I know that American attitudes towards nudity and parenthood are different, but I have never been able to understand just how different the world in which American kids grow up really is.

When I was a kid the idea of an eight-year-old being shocked by that would have been absurd. At worst it might have caused a second-long giggle if it registered as a sexualized pin-up image. We had all been exposed to plenty of nudity both in real life and in art. Actually in some ways we were exposed to less and less nudity as the years went by.

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My experience is that children are neither shocked nor shamed by nudity - until they are conditioned to do so by neurotic adults. The adults project their anxieties onto the children when it is they who are offended. Probably because they themselves are conditioned with conflicted ideas about the body, sex, and behavior.


Won’t somebody please think of the children? Lest this happens to all of our youth.

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Hey, Donald never wore pants. Come to think of it neither did Daffy. Must be a duck thing.

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Bugs didn’t, either.

Nah. We’re Scots.


My thoughts exactly. My son spent his first two years lying around with one hanging out of his mouth. Now he’s 3.5 and much prefers the woman’s bath to the men’s when we go to hot springs in Japan.

Maybe not pants, but Bugs definitely is a fan of dress-up


“Quick! Someone get junior an AR-15 so we can train the yurpeen outta him!”

(I am so, so sorry. Someone had to…)


I learned that ducks could get implants when I saw Howard the Duck in the theater as a kid with my Mom. Now that was awkward!


I remember asking my mother when I was six, “What are those things?” without having to see them bared in a cartoon to be curious. I doubt I’m unique in this regard. Meanwhile I believe that I was intimately familiar with a pair of breasts shortly after birth. I think it had something to do with my survival.

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What do the classical nude sculptures in the US wear?

Most of them wear an art gallery around them, which costs money to get into. Also, the US doesn’t have any “classical nude sculptures.” Those are from antiquity, and the US is far too young.


Well, and that’s nothing, do you remember Kirikou ?

So much boobies, so much naked people…
We French are perverts.


I think it’s a given that “Nation” refers to America. No other country on this planet would be so uptight (unless they’re Muslim, of course).

Thats the funny thing really. The US is closer to their perceived enemies than to their allies when morals are concerned: e.g. Sexuality/Nudity as a taboo, justice system right from the 16th century (death penalty, revenge=justice) etc.


Oh, 'Merka, grow up.

I wonder if that’s Americas influence over the years? [edited to add] I’m assuming you mean historically, as a culture, rather than as individuals? Maybe I’m wrong on that point?