National Association of Christian Lawmakers accuse "Satanists and Atheists" for voting in their poll

Based ­

hmmm. that sounds familiar. looks at anti black vote measures

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“accuses.” Come on, man.

Going forward, I shall refer to apples as non-black non-ravens.


Gus Hempel and his buddies needed better hobbies. The simplest resolution of this “paradox” comes from empirical observations of gross, macroscopic objects - in particular, white ravens.


One thing that is clearly worse than “Godless Communism” is “Godless Capitalism”.


See particularly the section on “Verb agreement with collective nouns”


Wow, first of all, interesting, useful article. Will be writing a fun little worksheet (started already) and possibly be incorporating some of this, too.
Second, major take away: The scientific name for the Eurasian magpie is ‘Pica Pica’?!? That. is. way. cute! Why was I not informed of this? Why, don’t we just let go of magpie right now and start calling them pica picas?
And I say that as someone who has been attacked and bitten by territorial magpies many times.
Lastly, clearly Hempel could just adjust the ‘paradox’ saying:
“Hear me all, I say: All ravens are black, or at least cream colored, or sometimes white due to albinism,’ is it not so?”
But it would lose some of it’s simplistic, mystic, slightly romantic air.

In conclusion, Pica Pica is best starter, fight me!

Bonus: Taiwan Blue Magpie, soo purdy
link to source, but not in English

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