Navy admits its pilot sky-wrote a giant cloud-wiener

It doesn’t look a lot like any I’ve ever seen, tbh.

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I think it shows coordination and good spatial awareness.


Recruiter #1: [seasick] Are you sure the Navy’s got good pilots?
Recruiter #2: [also seasick] They call them aviators in the Navy. They say they’re better than pilots.


Well, that answers that question.

If you haven’t watched or are not watching American Vandal, get thee to Netflix

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As the kids say, “It’s A Joke, Not A Dick. Don’t Take It So Hard.” In this case, I guess it’s both.


It could be higher, accidentally, of course…


Oh FFS, lighten up, you pack of humorless stuffed shirts. If ever there was a perfect opportunity to dismiss a complaint with ‘boys will be boys’, this is it.



When private pilots do this on their own time, it’s amusing. When military officers are doing this with weapons of war that cost 70 million dollars, it’s not so much that I’m offended by the dick Pic, I just doubt they are taking their role very seriously. The commander in chief’s wit and grace are clearly reflected in this kind of behavior.

So, yeah, when it’s put in context, it’s not so amusing to me.


The US Navy probably sees a need to show zero tolerance towards “boys being boys”.

Meanwhile, in Japan…


That was my thought the pilot was just training for some action over North Korea


Enough with the penes, someone should start doing vaginas with the finisher of flying thru it.


Sir, may I suggest you get a humour transplant?


Adds a whole new meaning to “OK, let’s park this baby in the hanger.”

You do have to watch out for premature ejection though.


There’s a cumtrail joke in there somewhere.


I’m appalled - a multi million dollar jet, a college degree pilot with tens of thousands of dollars worth of training, and that’s the best dick pic they could make? Geesh, it’s obvious the Navy needs to upgrade (a lot) their artful maneuvers training. For all the people (with sticks up their butt) complaining - they need to realize that high stress occupations need to let their hair down once in a while. No harm was caused by this action - what is the big freaking deal.


This is the sort of thing that young pilots do. To me, it is an example of precision flying. They just should not have done it over such a populated area. Or drawn something else.
To blame Trump for this seems like sort of a reach. I don’t know how much exposure to that culture you have, but it fits right in with the sort of things that those guys do, at least back to WW1. And it does not seem like something that would endanger the aircraft, or exceed it’s flying parameters. Now, if the pilot had done this while he or she was supposed to be performing a wartime combat mission, it would be pretty negligent. But training for aerial combat is all about practicing precision maneuvering.
The thing about this that indicates poor judgement is that they got caught doing it. They should have anticipated the consequences.

Someone lacking in this kind of judgment, is not someone I trust to bomb brown people. Like watching a cop car doing donuts in the parking lot- it’s not so much that I think it’s harmful in itself, just that people without a grasp of cause and effect should not be carrying (or flying) weapons of war.

I’d bet this couldn’t be done with an F-35.

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