Nazi cartoonist meets the Streisand Effect after Twitter censors discussion of his identity

I’ve been following this, just to see how bad Twitter has gotten since mostly migrating to BlueSky. It seems like most of the “censorship” is because there are a ton of bots on Twitter mass-reporting any mention of the name Hans Kristian Graebener. Twitter fired most of their human moderation team, so it is likely the moderation is automated as well.

People who have been hit with violations are having wildly inconsistent experiences. Some have had their accounts suspended without recourse, some have had to delete the tweet, some been able to successfully appeal it only to have it flagged again hours after the tweet was restored.

All for doing the exact same thing, which isn’t even doxxing per Twitter’s ToS. Just the name of a pseudonymous public figure is not harassment.

It would appear both the reporting and the handling of those reports are on full self driving, if you will.

The idea the Elon Musk is doing it himself or has directed Twitter to do it is frankly ludicrous. If Elon/Twitter wanted to block that name, it would simply be impossible to post it. That is what he did when everyone was posting URLs to sties that tracked Elon’s private jet: You simply couldn’t tweet about it unless you hid it behind a URL shortener, and that only worked once. After Twitter learned what the real URL was, that short URL was also blocked.