Nazi-puncher fined $1

No one has eliminated due process. The Nazi puncher was charged, tried and convicted. Then a jury decided that the circumstances of the crime warranted the lightest possible punishment.

Again, this is a bit analogous to a pardon; a failsafe for those situations where the full weight of the rule of law might not be appropriate given the circumstances and nature of the crime. I can support pardons for some without supporting pardons for all.


It’s also relevant that framing this situation as “if this goes on, they might start giving trivial punishments for the crimes of racists” is ignoring the fact that they are already giving trivial punishments to the crimes of racists (when they bother to prosecute at all).

Restoring a hint of balance to an unjust situation is a step forwards, not backwards. A preferentially unjust system is worse than a universally unjust system.


It is even powerful when you learn about what the director went through during the war.


It also ignores that POC are routinely given more time and harsher penalties for nonviolent crimes than their White counterparts are given for committing violent crimes.


Jeeziss Kee-rhyst, people!

Succinctly: Nazis are violent sons of bitches. The police won’t protect you from them. They have the President’s approval. Lawful recourse failed utterly for their victims, before, during, and after the fact.

In the absence of legal sanctions against militant groups that advocate genocide, violence is inevitable.
Any talk about the morality of Nazi-punching is pearl-clutching. The ethical imperative of keeping your own ass alive is slightly more important.

This should be an unsubtle distinction but it went over the heads of a disturbing number of people.



(and others)


I’d be more than happy to punch a NAZI in the face.


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