Nazi-puncher fined $1


I will post this again, just for you.


The Nazi hit the guy’s fist with his face. Put him in jail!

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Right nazis are bad so we get to punch them, got it.

So how about this… it is illegal to punch a nazi, but it is legal to be a nazi. This is a strange world.

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Would you rather punch one horse-sized Nazi or 500 duck-sized Nazis?


Not so much.

TLDL: the case at the centre of that involved prosecutors systematically excluding Black jurors from the trials of Black defendants. Although now technically illegal, this is still common practice.


That whole film gets me every time. So great.



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Not ‘Weimar Germany’ but one of the less successful modern attempts at civil society.
Learn more with this list: List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States - Wikipedia

Compare the list for Canada:

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That’s why they call themselves white supremacists, or other terms (KKK, John Birchers, etc.) to avoid the word. However, hate speech and fighting words are illegal and are just cause for punching and otherwise standing up to people who want to take away the rights and lives of other. That’s what America is supposed to be, the kid who stands up for the ones being bullied, regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation, etc.
As Obama just said - “We are Americans. We’re supposed to stand up to bullies. Not follow them. We’re supposed to stand up to discrimination, and we’re sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers. How hard can that be? Saying that Nazis are bad.”

Here’s his full speech. Perhaps you should read it and take it to heart.


Is there anything immoral about punching one?


Could you provide a more detailed description of what you think such a person is or does? Because a white supremacist who doesn’t commit violence but encourages others to do so? Yeah, still punchable.

A white supremacist who just says racist and bigoted things and doesn’t advocate for separation, slavery, and genocide? That’s just a bigoted asshole.


You still think I’m trying to defend nazis. Ill just stop since I’m not able to explain where my discomfort is coming from.


No, I think you are trying to find a way to non-violently deal with Nazis. And I’m trying to tell you that there is no other way possible to deal with people who believe violence and genocide to any person other than white caucasians, without violence. They must be shut down. Tolerance to their cause is intolerable. Giving them a platform to voice their message of hate is wrong.


And why do we need examples which are “like” the current example. Whats wrong with the current example? (Equating exposing rapists with rapists? Really?)

Just dont punch people in the face. When Nazis punch people, prosecute them. When non-Nazis punch people, prosecute them. In general, dont commit crimes. When crimes are committed, prosecute them. This is pretty obvious.

When Obama says “stand up”-- half the thread apparently thinks he’s advocating punching them in the face. I guarantee you he is not.

That’s correct. (I’m going to assume, when you say this, you are not imputing supremacist sympathies.) Once you eliminate “due process”, anything is possible. You’re saying your “anything” is going to be great. But, historically, “anything” has been pretty bad.

And let me back up for a moment to say: if the Nazi is abusive, issuing taunts (eg, “fighting words”), that’s different from just “being a Nazi”. Someone who is abusive and issuing taunts and is punched will be treated leniently by the justice system because he was abusive and issuing taunts.

You’re the one who equated jury nullification for white-supremacist-punchers with jury nullification for white supremacists.