Nazi-puncher fined $1

Im glad the system has this leniency when the the accused is on my team, but Im not sure Im really satisfied about this. What if there were supremacists on the jury? What if a supremacist got off for a dollar after punching someone?

I guess im also weary of so many crooks and sociopaths that deserve prosecution but get away with their crimes, it is slowing my happiness for this ruling.


I saw this movie as a kid. It is very good and fucking hard to watch now because it hurts so much. ‘Best Years of Our Lives’, if I recall correctly.


Well, you’d hope that the selection process could weed out extreme biases, but of course someone could hide it. In the worst case a supremacist could hold up a jury and cause a mistrial… but the case could just be retried at that point.

It doesn’t seem likely that a randomly-selected jury could be comprised of 12 white supremacists (or even a majority), but I know one convincing individual could sway hearts and minds. It’s a risk, but our justice system seems to be designed to keep that possibility very low. Seems less risky than letting a judge decide, that’s for sure.


I feel like the puncher won because of the bias against nazis.

If we feel like punching nazis shouldn’t have a consequences, shouldn’t that be law instead of exception?

Last question… i will take my win and be happy bout it

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At one buck a whack, I can go to town & break out the Jersey tomahawk, know what I’m saying…


Let’s not lose sight of the idea that this is an ideology that incorporates antisemitism, racism, and eugenics as core tenets. This isn’t a discussion that’s taking place in a moral vacuum.

Punching people should have consequences. Those consequences vary based on whether or not that punch was warranted in the eyes of society. If this were Nazi Germany, the consequences would obviously be much different.

There are also checks in place that avoid extreme biases from overruling consequences, those checks are often based on severity of the act. If that punch had, for example, killed that nazi; it’s generally impossible for consequences to have been as light.


I keep seeing this question, and I keep linking back to @bobtato ‘s excellent analysis from another thread. Again, highly relevant here IMO


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The key is to make sure each punch delivers > $1 damage to the Nazi’s face.


Plus they would likely give up before they earned enough for a Starbucks coffee.


“Sorry Hitler, you aren’t allowed to leave until the end of your shift. But you’re really bringing in the big bucks today!”


Exactly, if you support jury nullification for supremacist-punchers, dont act outraged when jury nullification frees supremacists. The South had a good ole nullification system for over a century.


I can find neither the arrest warrant nor court documents.
Was the nazi puncher fined for littering?
And creating a nuisance?

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I don’t follow how that logic works.

“If you support the #MeToo movement, don’t act outraged when there’s a #RapeHerToo movement.”

“If you support Presidential pardons for nonviolent drug offenders who were railroaded by a racist justice system, don’t act outraged when there are Presidential pardons for violent racists.”


Seems proportionate.


I just got paid. Can I get a bulk discount if I punch 500 Nazis?


I know, right? This is a nazi we’re talking about. Not some random passerby that got punched.


My question isnt really about nazis, its about the inequality of justice. We are celebrating this win while partiality is granted to bad people but decent people will get crushed for life. It’s hypocritical.

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Is there anything illegal about being a nonviolent supremacist? Maybe there should be so the law can take care of it instead of putting citizens into vigilante jeopardy.