I’m sure she’s knee-jerked against any establishment of sharia law in U.S. communities with no irony nor introspection…
Except that Mary Magalene washed his feet with her hair. You might think that is kinky, but I don’t judge.
Business in the front; psalmist in the back.
Sometimes a foot is just a foot.
Sometimes it is bigger.
/NB: the preceding is a complete sentence
Could “rib” be something? It always seemed weird Yahweh creates Eve from Adam’s rib. (Well, after you get over Yahweh needing “dust” to create Adam, after he’s created an entire Universe from literally nothing.)
The whole man from dust thing is referencing the Golem spell, which was very prevalent in the semitic religions of the area long before even the book of Job was written.
Humans are mud men animated with god’s breath (or word/written word).
I don’t know if Adam’s rib is alluding to anything, but any time a foot is mentioned in the old testament it is almost certainly an allusion to penis. Also when god touches Jacob’s thigh while wrestling, that’s god giving Jacob the old dick twist.
Don’t judge.
I’m fairly sure you have the causality backwards: Golem from the mud references God making humans from dust and breathing life into them.
I’m not, but my arse is too lovely to hide behind an orange cushion that reminds us of our shared but distant genetic heritage.
So how did a five year old novelty story end up as news on BoingBoing?
It probably wasn’t novelty to that kooky lady who tried to sue all the homosexuals.
Also, it’s pride month, so probably Matt Maranian was trawling through LGBT+ stories in a news feed or something and found it.
Come on @OpusFluke, the ONE true god: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost-Spirit
Fair enough - that’s a bit of context. Still needs a “stale news” warning
She wrote a seven-page petition. It’s probably all covered in there somewhere.
He did preach that it doesn’t matter what goes into your mouth.