Neoconservative's analysis: Donald Trump, elites, and the GOP's future

Only a Democrat would get his/her knickers all bunched up over this issue – Republicans use Democrat as an adjective, in spite of the fact Democratic is the proper form of the adjective, in order annoy and disrespect members of the Democratic Party. This is all explained in the Wikipedia article about Democrat Party (epithet), and you don’t seem to have looked at it.

I had hoped not to discuss this any further here, but you don’t seem to be the only one honestly confused by this.

When describing a person as being a Republican or a Democrat, one is using a noun. But saying “Republican voter” involves an adjective (Republican) modifying a noun (voter). For this political party the noun and the adjective happen to be the same.

But the noun and adjective are different for voters who understand that government and regulation, within reason, can be forces for good, and that capitalism can only be a force for good when properly controlled by government. Such voters are Democrats, or Democratic voters. Here Democrat is the noun, and Democratic is the adjective.

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I have nervous tics every minute or so. If it helps anyone here, you can take these and use the “ic” in “tic” to complete any malformed adjectives you might have laying about. Then you can relax and savor the “t” whilst people try to push your buttons.


Because we don’t care?


parties have splintered in the past, The Republicans were first formed in 1854.

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I wasn’t talking to you, silly core author. dennismartinez81 asked what I took to be an honest question, one that would would have been unnecessary had the link been consulted. I don’t care that you don’t care, and I regret that this conversation has gone on so long.

You’re 100% right and it 100% doesn’t matter.


Sure, but they’re never going to be prosecuted. No one will pay, except for the occasional low-hanging fruit among the ranks of the US military. Some general will periodically be asked to fall on their sword (Gen. McCrystal), but that’s really going to be it.


Your reply to my post is so well thought out, but so Ignoratio Elenchi.

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You are right again–about prosecuting those who got us involved in the Iraq War under false pretenses.

One decision I wish President Obama would have made, early in his presidency was to convene an investigation into the violations of international law regarding waterboarding and other torture techniques, used by Bush officials and championed by Dick Cheney and other republican neocons…

He decided not to do so, because of the precedent it would set.

From April 20, 2012
Obama won’t prosecute Bush officials


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