Yeah I mean the whole narrative structure of the first series started by introducing Joe Exotic, establishing that he is now in prison, then going back to the start to tell the story of how he ended up there (while answering other questions like “what happened to that dude’s arm?” along the way).
The only way I can imagine them doing a follow-up series would be to find a similarly sordid story involving a completely different group of colorfully trashy characters. Maybe they could find a story about a guy in Texas who is suspected of disposing of his neighbor’s body in his alligator ranch or an underground network of monkey-fighting rings.
I’m sure there’s more they could do with Doc Antle, and his super sketchy background and recent charges of animal trafficking.
But at this point I’d hate to give more money to the filmmakers, who were about as terrible of people as almost anyone in the first season of the show.