Never walk through the Rotherhithe tunnel

What I didn’t get was he mentioned four ventilation shafts. Shouldn’t these be capable of evacuating the exhaust fumes? If they aren’t able to, shouldn’t they be made to work?

I was much confused when I visited the UK ~20 years ago. We Canadians managed to make the switch with not too much carnage.

It seems that there is a walkway on both sides of traffic. You’d think that if they weren’t going to close it to foot traffic, they would at least close one walkway and make the remaining walkway a bit wider.

It wouldn’t help with the carbon monoxide, but a mask with a particulate filter (N95, if you can get one these days) sure would help, especially if there are any diesel vehicles in the tunnel. A quick google search also indicates that cartridges which protect against carbon monoxide are available, even if the standard VOC cartridges would be ineffective. (They don’t filter it out but convert it to safe-to-breathe CO2).

Enough that someone sitting passively inside a car passing through in a minute or two is unaffected, sure. That’s pretty different from someone walking through over 20 minutes or so, breathing more heavily, without their own bubble of clean(ish) air.

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