Originally published at: New House Speaker makes bizarre wife joke in acceptance speech | Boing Boing
I long ago accepted that conservatives can’t do comedy, but this is pathetic even by their low standards. This is what comes when someone in a covenant marriage tries to make a joke about “the wife”.
Yeah, they really should take notes from Obama; whenever you mention your wife, use it as an opportunity to make fun of yourself. Gets a laugh every time.
Mike Huckabee is calling him to be regular on his comedy show segments.
"She’s spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord. And, um, she’s a little worn out.”
So would being an adulterer with “the Lord”* get him out of a “covenant marriage”?
wikipedia on ‘convant marriage’
A spouse desiring a divorce must also prove that one of the following is true:
- The other spouse has committed adultery.
- The other spouse has committed a felony.
- The other spouse engages in substance abuse.
- The other spouse has physically or sexually abused the spouse or a child.
- The spouses have been living separately for a minimum amount of time specified by law (one or two years, depending on the law of the state).
(*sam lord is their pool service guy)
What, no handmaid jokes?
I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t realize his comment was intended to be a joke. I just thought it was cringey.
well, this guy is going to be fun. please joe and kamala, stay alive no matter what.
Weird question: if the president dies in office, does the vice-president get to appoint a new vice-president, or is the speaker of the house then permanently second in line until the next presidential election?
The President nominates a replacement who then must be confirmed by both houses of Congress. That’s how Gerald Ford became VP to Nixon after Agnew’s resignation.
Needless to say, getting anyone reasonable confirmed by the current House of Representatives would be next to impossible. Likely as not, the seat would just remain open, allowing the Republican Speaker to assume the Presidency if, for example, Biden stepped down for health reasons and President Harris met with an “accident.” Not a fun scenario to consider.
Honestly, I didn’t read that as a joke. It was cringingly earnest.
DT must have serious kompromat on every GOP congressmeh and congressworm.
Certainly has some on a few big players, but mostly they are desperate for votes and know the lunatic fringe will religiously vote for whatever their bloated blowhard tells them to.
Unfortunately, he’s now second in line. (If you think of the President as the address with an index of 0, then VP is 1, Speaker of the house is 2, etc.)
Well, yes, he has indeed proved himself to be a number 2 already.
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