New law requires Florida universities to survey students about their political views to promote "intellectual diversity"

Complaints of “Cancel Culture” have never really been about people getting canceled. The issue has always been about who gets to do the canceling.


I hope this will be like the census where people declared themselves Pastafarians or Jedi.
Not sure what the ‘political views’ equivalents might be.


I always appreciate registering my political views with the government in order to find out if I can be accepted into an institution that will strongly influence what opportunities I’ll have in life. Now, if only they’d do the same to determine who I may associate with, do business with, and/or marry.


Personally I believe in feudalism




TBH I suspect the GOP does too, so you’d be fine.


Because it is needed:



The same state that gave us this piece of apocrypha:

  • Part of American political lore is the Smathers “redneck speech,” which Smathers reportedly delivered to a poorly-educated audience. The comments were recorded in a small magazine, picked up in Time and elsewhere, and etched into the public’s memories.[34] Time Magazine, during the campaign, claimed that Smathers said this: “Are you aware that Claude Pepper is known all over Washington as a shameless extrovert? Not only that, but this man is reliably reported to practice nepotism with his sister-in-law, he has a brother who is a known homo sapiens,[35] and he has a sister who was once a thespian in wicked New York. Worst of all, it is an established fact that Mr. Pepper, before his marriage, habitually practiced celibacy.”[36] The leading reporter who actually covered Smathers said he always gave the same humdrum speech. No Florida newspapers covering the campaign ever reported such remarks contemporaneously. Smathers offered $10,000 to anyone who could prove he said it, and there were no takers before his death.[37][38]

One of the two largest libraries was named for him when I was a student at the state’s flagship university. The GQP, as it has now transformed itself, has been at the disinformation game a long time. [NB: this was before the Southern Strategy/reaction to the Civil Rights era laws.]


Gov DeathSentence hears the same voices his master in West Palm Beach does, evidently.


And FIRE. I support both and this is right up their alley.


I’m well aware that it’s not the point here, but it’s definitely a pet peeve of mine the extent to which we increasingly treat adults as children.


well maybe write a letter to desantis, then, since he’s the one assuming college students are children who need to be protected from the filthy marxists who are “indoctrinating” their precious babies… The thing to worry about here is that students are going to be denied an education and staff and faculty will end up losing their jobs for their political views. This kind of shit will spread to other states and many of us without job security in the university system will be screwed.


Yes, yes it will spread, and yes people will lose their jobs over it, and yes many students will be denied education even more than they already are. No disagreement there from me.

And given the level of nonsense in things he says generally, I think I’ll pass on the letter writing.

What exactly will prevent everyone from simply misrepresenting their political views on a survey like this?

Seems like a good place for students to have LULZ.


While some students are having lulz, the college republicans (and others of their ilk) will organize to make certain they get as many conservative “votes” as they can. If the survey shows a sufficiently hearty conservative population within the student body, it will become easier to push out and otherwise minimize the influence and power of non-conservative faculty.


I’m not sure quite how that would work. Students generally don’t get a say in the political makeup of the faculty at their school; in fact, that is one of the main complaints of the right that leads to BS like this.

It will be quite informative to see what FIRE’s stance will be on this. A quick read of their site’s content seems to suggest a focus on “indoctrination by lefty profs” concerns that would make DeSantis proud.

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No, they don’t get a say, but the legislature certainly wants a say. I simply feel that having the survey show a high percentage of conservative students will encourage those in power to pressure the faculty to mirror this percentage. (Granted, a high percentage of leftist students would likely encourage a push towards more conservatism in the faculty as well.)


Faculty would presumably also be able to game a survey. If Marxist U turned out to be populated entirely by John Birch Society members according to the survey… what exactly would the legislature make of that?

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I could easily see there being penalties for faculty misrepresenting themselves on this survey.