Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/05/31/new-pole-at-wal-mart-struck-10.html
He has really good radio sitcom too.
That kid is going to catch so much shit for that “pole expert” lower third.
There are no plans to relocate it.
Simple decency demands Patrick be retired to the Pole Farm, where it can run free and play with its brethren.
Don’t understand why the pole should relocate - the Walmart is causing all of the problems.
∴ the pole is not of order zero.
maybe it’s polarised
Meanwhile our democracy hangs by a thread, our health care is a shambles. the so-called president is a half-witted miscreant and this fucking pole is poorly located.
The balloon and card are a really nice touch.
Oh sure. Blame the pole.
Yeah, man. What did that pole ever do to you?
(That it hasn’t already done to nine other bad drivers?)
Meanwhile Target has a much nicer rock that people keep running over.
That pole is doing yeoman’s work, teaching drivers a hard lesson in paying attention to their surroundings.
Really: how hard can it be to not hit a pole with your car?
Update: corrected spelling of “yeoman’s”.
On the bright side, this is probably the only time those SUVs have ever been driven “off road”.
A body shop’s best friend.
Placing the pole is a complex problem. The mistake was that the pole was in the right half of the parking lot.
Not a single Polish joke yet?
/I’ll show myself out
Go! Get out! Don’t come back until you’ve learned how to behave in polite society.