Originally published at: New royal line of succession | Boing Boing
Drat! I’m still a long way from the crown…
I like this version of the graphic because Lilibet is shown in silhouette like an unlockable challenge character.
Let’s go to the Colonies!
Maybe we can get a Black Panther style succession started? I’m sure I could beat Charlie, even if I would hurt badly for a few weeks after.
Bring back the Tanist succession!
From what I understand (I’m not a gamer) is that usually there is only one free female character and you have to pay to play the others.
I think most people know who #8 is, and no-one wants him.
And things have changed so that they don’t skip over Charlotte to Louis; in the past, the succession was through the males first, and only if the brothers died would Charlotte inherit, even though she is older than Louis.
I think maybe the only person who loved him is now dead, so…
Of course, all of those are after the corgis.
Ok is it just me, or does it look like Princess Charlotte is channeling Lady Lyanna Mormont?
Why the heck is that a video of a still graphic? How about a GIF?
I would enjoy Gowron as Queen of England…
That line is purely arbitrary. Nothing special about any of 'em other than they made out pretty good in what Warren Buffet calls the ovarian lottery.